“Anything else? Are you serious right now? You both go behind my back and fuck Paris? You know what, if you can’t take this seriously then fuck you both.” I keep my voice calm even though I’m seething inside. I quickly glance at Isabella, who meets my stare with sad, knowing eyes. “I’m sorry, Isabella. If you’ll excuse me,” I say tightly and spin on my heels as I quickly walk out of the kitchen, looking for an escape so I can cry by myself.

“Tillie,” Logan is only a few steps behind me, his voice dark and filled with anger.

I turn to confront his smug-ass and yelp as I suddenly find myself hanging upside down over his shoulder. I brace myself against his lower back, blowing my hair out of my face, and meet Nicky’s stare as he strolls behind us with his hands in his pants pockets.

“What have I told you before? I’m going to smack your ass and slap all the brattiness out,” Nicky informs me, pulling out his hands to unbutton his sleeve cuffs and rolling them up to his elbows as if he’s about to get his hands dirty.

I gasp, feeling light-headed all of a sudden. Though that could be from hanging upside down or having instant lust shooting through my body at the thought of him spanking me. I could lie to myself, but I really want him to spank me again. To feel the air rush over my exposed skin, the waiting game before his palm makes contact with my ass. The sting of pain, but the hot pleasure that follows right after… I hate my treacherous body for wanting things it should be against, especially Nicky and Logan. Fuck. If anything, these two should be bending over while I strap up and punish their asses. I have no idea where that thought came from, but I like it.

Kill me now, please.

Logan strides through an open door, and heat instantly blasts over my skin, the humid air smelling like chlorine. He deposits me on a sunbathing chair, not even out of breath, as if I weigh nothing, and starts to pace in front of me. I chance a look around and can only shake my head in astonishment as I stare at crystal clear blue water, floor-to-ceiling windows that are tinted, and lounge chairs lined up along the side of an indoor pool. Dom has an indoor swimming pool that’s big enough to hold the Olympics. Am I surprised? Yeah, but I shouldn’t be. These guys have so much money they probably blow their noses with the extra cash in their wallets.

“You aren’t going to move from this spot until you listen to every word we have to say,” Logan commands sternly, coming to a stop in front of me with his strong arms crossed and his biceps straining against the white sleeves of his shirt.

“Like hell I am! Fuc—” My shout is cut off as Nicky slips his tie in between my parted lips and ties it behind my head with quick, skilled fingers before I know what’s happening.

“I think she’ll be quiet now. Won’t you, pet?” Nicky leans forward and kisses my exposed lips around the makeshift gag, ignoring the frustrated noise I make.

He smirks as I try to headbutt him, but he dodges out of the way and sinks into the lounge chair behind me, wrapping his legs around my waist, and trapping me so I can’t move. He has my arms pinned by my sides with his thighs so I can’t even attempt to remove the gag.

“I think I like this look on you, baby girl. We’ll revisit this later.” Logan rubs his bottom lip with his thumb as he looms over me, his eyes filled with heat.

I hate how lust curls in my stomach at that look.

“I ate yoth.” I rage behind the gag, my words coming out as a jumbled mess.

“I love you too,” Logan coos and chuckles darkly as I struggle in Nicky’s grip. “Listen up, baby girl. Listen to every word coming out of my mouth.”

I glare up at him and stop fighting as he towers over me like the freaking devil with possessive energy radiating off him in waves.

“Good.” He grunts and looks away for a second, as if he’s trying to find the right words before glancing back at me. “Yes, we did go to the club with Paris. She cuddled her body right up to us, touching our skin, and we let her.”

I’m so mad and betrayed that my whole body trembles and my eyes water with unshed tears.

“But it was all for show, Tillie. You think I enjoyed her touch? I hated every single second of her stroking my arm and hanging off me like I was hers. Nicky didn’t even try to pretend he wanted to be there. We only had one job that night.” Logan pauses, his lips tight when he notices the tear that slides down my cheek.

“I almost killed her for touching my knee,” Nicky admits from behind me, his voice strained.

I shake my head, not understanding what they’re trying to tell me.

Logan reaches forward and catches the tear before it slides off my chin.

“So beautiful. Even when you cry,” he whispers in wonder and sits back on his heels. I release a shaky breath through my nose and sag into Nicky’s body as the fight drains out of me. “Tillie…” Logan sounds tired and serious, his expression turning hard. “We’re bad men, make no mistake about that, but I promised you that I’d never intentionally hurt you. I’d protect you with my last dying breath.”

My heart pounds, hating and loving him at the same time. I haven’t even heard why he was with Paris and still, I want him. Love is painful. It’s not always loving. It’s filled with hate, grief, and rage, but at the end of the day, the heart still beats for the one it wants. Or in my case… someones.

“Our fathers…” Nicky starts and clears his throat, as if it’s a struggle talking. “We grew up being told there isn’t such a thing as love. It’s a weakness. It destroys you. As you get beat every day, talked down to, it changes you inside so that you lock every emotion down until you feel nothing.” Nicky’s breath fans across the back of my neck, his heart pounding in sync with mine.

Logan’s face is pained as he gazes over my shoulder and I can’t even imagine what Nicky’s looks like. I think it was easier admitting that because he wasn’t looking at me. I can understand that. Sometimes emotions we aren’t used to are too much to handle and we don’t know what to do with ourselves. My heart breaks for them. All of them have been dealt this fucked up life, but I don’t feel pity. I know how they feel, life is unfair.

“Franco and Jin see you as our weakness. Do you know what that means?” Logan asks, bowing his head when I shake mine slowly. “It means that you’re an obstacle in their way, and they mean to remove you.” He glances back up and takes in my expression, my eyes filling with more tears again.

I hate this for us. Why can’t we just be?! Their fathers want to kill me and probably dump me at the bottom of the ocean.

“We did what we had to. I knew the journalist was going to be there because she likes to follow Logan around like a hound with a bone. We only took one photo on social media and she was there with her camera in hand. Jin has already seen the photo she took of Paris and us.” Nicky sighs behind me like he’s tired.

My mind races as I absorb this information. I know what they did was with the best intentions, but did they kiss her? Fuck her? I don’t even want to know, but it’s something I need to hear, no matter how much I don’t want to.