“How are you feeling?” I ask softly, swiping the hair out of her eyes, and pushing it behind her ear as she glances under her lashes at me.

“Honestly?” She chews her lip, as if she’s worried about whatever's on her mind.

“Always.” I hold her stare, letting her know she can tell me anything and I’ll never think less of her.

“I'm so angry… No, I’m furious. If you handed me a gun right now, you wouldn’t be able to stop me from charging headfirst into the lion's den. I’ll kill all those gang members and leave Cruz for last, just to make his death very fucking slow.” Tillie’s gaze burns with a fiery passion, her nails digging into my stomach before she blows out a frustrated breath. “I’m also hungry and horny. Unbelievably horny.”

“Yes, to everything,” I promise her, loving how her eyes grow wide as I clasp my hands under her arms and pull her fully on top of me.

I grunt as her warm pussy settles right over my stiff cock, only a thin layer separating us. Her lips part, eyes dilating, and her hair creates a curtain around us that blocks out everything else except me and her.

“You going to make me feel good, Papi?” she purrs, ghosting her soft lips along my jaw as her hand grips my throat in a possessive hold until my head tips back and she bites down on my chin.

“Don’t you know by now, Mama? I'd give you anything. Name it and it's yours.” I clench her ass in my hands, squeezing both cheeks and massaging as she lets out a low moan.

“Can you make me forget for a little while? Give me that, please? I feel like I’ll die if I don’t have you inside me right now,” she confesses as she rocks her pussy over my hard cock, making it almost painful.

I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard before. It’s like all my blood has rushed straight to my cock, leaving my head empty for once. All I want is to feel her soft skin gliding against mine, her sweet scent the only thing I can breathe in. In the past, I would have been already pounding into the woman without any questions, but this is my queen. She’s been through too much shit, and I don’t want her to think all I want from her is sex. I’ll cuddle her, worship at her feet if she wants, and give her anything she needs while ignoring my raging cock that's demanding to slide into her heat. When a man knows that he's found the one, the woman that fits into his side like a puzzle piece while feeling complete, he can wait a lifetime for her, as long as she ends up with my name on her skin in the end. I look into her beautiful, brown gaze and can see coming home to her every night, those pain-filled eyes shifting into happiness that I intend to make sure stays there. Women have come and gone, I’m not a saint, but not one of them compares to Tillie. Not one.

“I don't want to hurt you—” I start to say, stroking my thumb along her cheekbone, but she cuts me off with a hard shake of her head.

“You won’t. Dom, I want you. It’s that simple. If we met in another world, one that wasn’t filled with violence, I’d still be here. Right where I’m supposed to be.” She bites my bottom lip and tugs but lets out a yelp as I flip our position until I’m on top.

“I’m going to love you, Tillie. I’ll give you everything, even when you don’t know what you need. You're my fucking queen, and I know who’s going to be warming my bed at night. It’s always going to be you.” My voice comes out gruff, every ounce of my being on fire for this feisty, passionate woman.

She grips my hair, yanking my head down until our lips crash together in a kiss that could set the bed on fire. My lips glide over hers as I grab her thigh, giving it a squeeze before pulling her leg up and over, right above my ass. She makes pleased little whimpers as I kiss the corner of her luscious lips, slowly dragging my tongue to the indent in the middle of her lips and biting down. The moment she gasps, I slide my tongue past her parted lips and stroke along hers with little flicks. I’m basically fucking her mouth, the same way I’m going to fuck her sweet pussy.

“Dom,” she moans, rocking her hips up to rub against my cock, making me grit my teeth at how good her warm, wet pussy feels.

Her eyes drift down, lips parted as she looks between us to see my cock slipping out from the top of my black boxers. Only a thin layer separates me from plunging into her slick pussy. I groan, leaning my forehead against hers as we watch her panties grow wetter and wetter after each slide of my cock. The fabric has a very dark, wet spot of blood, and I can see her pussy lips sticking to the damp material. I’m practically salivating to be inside her.

“If it’s not your thing when I’m on my period—” My head whips up and her cheeks instantly turn a blush pink.

“Not my thing? Mama, I’ll suck the fucking soul out of your pretty pussy, blood and all.” I grin wickedly, watching her eyes dilate once more and widen with desire.

I lean back on my haunches between her silky, parted thighs, starting to tug down the boxers I loaned her last night until her hand stops me. My eyes drag up from her perfectly pink pussy lips, connecting with her suddenly shy gaze. She bites her bottom lip until it’s red and I’m intrigued with where her thoughts are as I stroke my thumb over her hip bone, trying to soothe her.

“Dom…” she says in a breathless sigh and stares up at me from under her lashes.

“Tillie?” I smile softly, leaning down to kiss her knee as I hold her gaze.

“Can we try something? I… I don’t know if I can go through with it, but I need to try. I can’t have this memory in my head, tarnished by Cruz forever. I want to feel good, and you said you’d make love to me.” She looks away and takes a deep breath, as if trying to gather her courage.

“You can ask me for anything. We can try whatever you want and stop immediately if we need to,” I reassure her, wondering what she’s going to ask for.

When her gaze returns to me, she pushes me back and sits up. She crawls on her knees in the middle of the bed before grabbing my biceps to steady herself.

“Can you, um… Jesus. Can we try anal?” she quickly asks, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

It takes every single restraint in my muscles to not grab her and toss her around like a ragdoll, giving all the rough pleasure upon her sinful body.

Think, Dom. Don’t mess this up, and for God's sake, control your dick.

“Yeah, we can do that, but only if you're sure,” I say roughly after clearing my throat, stroking her arms up and down, feeling them tremble in my hands as her body shivers.

“I’m positive. I want the bad erased and replaced by all the good memories I make with you and the guys.” She pleads with me to understand with her big, brown eyes and leans forward to kiss my chest, right over my pounding heart.

I grab her face as she pulls back and kiss her lips gently, slowly, until she’s moaning into my mouth.