I shake my head and lean against the headrest, closing my eyes instead of looking out the windows. Honestly, I don’t care where we’re going as long as it puts them out of reaching distance from Cruz. That’s all I care about. I love Dalton, Tey, Dom, and even Nicky and Logan for some sick, fucked up reason. They’re in a world of pain when I see them again. I’m going to twist off Logan’s balls for hurting me.

“Sit tight, Mama. We’re almost to my place. You’ll be safe there,” Dom rasps in that smokey voice of his, his hand snaking around my upper thigh and squeezing.

For the rest of the ride, he doesn’t move his hand, just softly rubs his thumb back and forth in a gesture that slowly relaxes my body with the soft purr of his car, making me start to drift off.

I feel the car slow down ten minutes later and the sound of something buzzing followed by a soft squeak has me opening my eyes. A towering, solid metal door slides open on the driveway, letting Dom through the moment enough space is available for the car to fit. I look in the rearview mirror, watching the gate close, and breathe easier when I see the tall, cement walls surrounding the whole place. Dom’s house is like a fortress, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a moat. He cuts off the engine and the only sound meeting my ears is of our breathing filling the car.

“Damn.” Dalton whistles from the backseat before getting out with his hands on his hips as he stares up at the mansion in front of us.

It’s like something out of a movie; beautiful and classy. With a clay tile roof, it seems to have the Mediterranean vibe, and the house structure is tan like sand with bright green vines of pink and red blooming flowers crawling up the walls. It’s very homey and classical with palm trees surrounding the outside. I feel like I’ve stepped into Spain with all the vivid, lush colors that have a calming effect and charm.

“Dom, it’s exquisite,” I breathe out and soak it all in, shuddering as he buttons up the jacket over my shoulders so I’m not freezing while standing in his driveway.

“You should see the house in Mexico. All in good time, Mama. Let’s get you inside and I’ll give you a tour later.” Dom guides me up the steps with his hand on my lower back, practically holding me up as exhaustion eats away at me.

The front door opens before we make it up to the last step. A short, sweet, little old lady stands there with a blossoming smile as she reaches up and clasps Dom’s cheeks.

He has to bend down as she places a kiss on each cheek and pinches him. My brows raise at the slight pink covering his cheekbones.

“Nieto! You are getting too thin. I’ll make you some Arroz Cubano.” She fits over Dom, clicking her tongue before turning to Dalton and I with an equally warm smile. “Such sad eyes, but don’t fear,Mija, my Dom will make you a very happy wife.”

I nearly choke on my tongue and smack Dalton’s chest as he coughs into his fist in amusement.

“Yaya! Let her inside before you scare her away,” Dom mutters in exasperation, gesturing for his grandmother to walk ahead of us.

“Don’t worry,Mija, he loves me, and you won’t have to worry about me walking in on any lovemaking. I want grandbabies. I’m not getting any younger,Nietos. I live in the guesthouse in the back of the property for my own space. Feel free to come visit me when you're not working on giving me a great grandchi—” his grandmother gushes excitedly until Dom cuts her off, and I already know he’s in for a world of hurt for interrupting her, I can see it in her face that’s laced with displeasure.

“Enough,Yaya.” Dom winces as his grandmother suddenly has her slipper in her hand and starts whacking him on the shoulder with it. “Jesus. I’m sorry! Tillie, Dalton, this is my lovely grandmother, Isabella.” Dom gestures to both of us when his grandmother stops smacking him and he clasps my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth on my wrist.

“It’s very nice to meet you.” I sound like a dying frog, my throat dry as I sway on my feet.

“Ma’am,” Dalton says with respect. He stands on my other side as he wraps his arm around my waist to hold me up, not caring that he’s boxing me in between him and Dom.

“I’ll get started on dinner while you go rest, you look dead on your feet, child.” She pats my cheek affectionately with a knowing look as she glances at Dom and Dalton standing on either side of me protectively.

I just nod my head with a small smile and sag against Dalton as she walks briskly into a kitchen near the back of the house. I’m suddenly being swung up into a pair of strong arms and cradled against a warm chest as I nuzzle my face into Dom’s neck. He starts walking, carrying me farther into his house, and I glance over his shoulder to make sure Dalton is following. His eyes meet mine, those kissable lips of his curling at the edge as I reach over Dom’s shoulder with one arm and trail my fingertips over the light scruff on Dalton’s sharp jawline. He mouths,“Love you,”and it makes my heart skip a beat.

I can’t believe we went from enemies to freaking lovers, not trusting and practically at each other's throats to this insane love that feels like it can last forever. Does it make me fucked up that I love all their rough edges and want to bring out the darkest side of each of them? I think back to that night in the garage as they loomed over me, forcing me to my knees and fucking my mouth until my lips were swollen and red. I stare at Dalton now and I want him as he is, even when he shoves his big cock down my throat like he owns me. He does, but I own him too. I like all the sides that are cut and sharp to the touch, but the soft side they only let me see makes my insides melt too.

It’s confusing as hell, but that’s me.

At some point, we enter a room, but Dom strides through it too fast for me to really look at it. He flicks on a light and slowly sets me down right next to the shower glass door. Without a word, he turns on the water with his hand outstretched under the spray until it’s to his liking. It better be scorching hot or else I don’t want it.

I kind of stand there in a daze, swaying on my feet as I watch the glass door fog up. Hands sweeping my hair away from my breastbone makes me jump a little until I feel the soft touch of lips on my neck and the scruff of Dalton’s beard leaving behind a slight burn.

“Let us take care of you, and after, sleep. No talking about anything that happened today, okay?” Dalton whispers against my skin, grabbing the labels of Dom’s jacket around my shoulders from behind and easing it away until it drops onto the tiled floor.

Dom steps forward and gets to one knee in front of me, kissing my stomach as he draws down my underwear. He glances back up at me, his gaze flickering between Dalton and I with a look I can’t understand. Content, maybe? Relaxed? I don’t know, but I wasn’t expecting them to get along so well.

“Okay.” My voice comes out soft, afraid speaking any louder will break this intimate moment between us.

I can’t help but stroke my index finger along Dom’s dark brow and watch as his eyes close at my touch, his face relaxing, as if he’s been strung too tight this whole time. I’m standing naked in front of both men after Dalton unsnaps my bra within seconds, yet I don’t get the feeling this is about sex. Of course, the sexual tension is there. I’m naked, but both guys are handling me like I’m fragile and precious. It’s such a strange feeling, one that’s going to take a long time getting used to.

Dom climbs to his feet, stripping out of his clothes and exposing golden skin with each item of clothing he drops to the floor. I’m only human, so I let my gaze slide over his body. He has big, tan feet, muscular calves with hair that I want to feel rubbing against my legs, thick thighs that could squeeze a watermelon open, and the perfect place to park my ass on. My eyes linger on his cock, watching it twitch the longer I stare. He’s so fucking long and thick… He’s not even hard. Jesus. I can’t believe that thing slid down my throat. I could have suffocated to death. My gaze keeps moving, pretty sure I’m hardcore eye fucking him and not caring one bit. Why do the indents of a man’s hip have to be so damn sexy? It instantly draws my gaze there, and it’s like a leading arrow forcing your gaze to go lower. My eyes continue devouring him and I note that his abs are stacked and tight, making my mouth water. If I lick it, then it’s mine, right? His biceps are huge, and it makes me want to be cuddled against him just as much as I want to drape myself over his perfectly broad shoulders.

I hear the rustling of Dalton behind me before I feel his hot, naked skin against my back as he hooks his arm around my waist and lifts me up like I weigh nothing.

“You’re lucky I’m not a self-conscious man. The way you were just staring at him reminds me of setting a plate of chocolate cake in front of you. The same look you always give me.” Dalton sets me down under the hot water and turns me in his arms until I’m looking up at him.