Page 33 of Bond & Claim

I turn to Lucas, my brow furrowed with concern, and voice the question that has been gnawing at me since we arrived at this strange, shifting place. “How are we supposed to close this Rift if it keeps opening everywhere in this forest, swallowing us up?”

Lucas gazes at the enigmatic anomaly, his expression thoughtful and determined. “We may not be able to close all of them,” he admits, “but we can focus on this one. If we can stabilize it or find a way to synchronize its fluctuations, we might have a chance to rescue Owen.”

His words offer a glimmer of hope in the midst of our uncertainty. I nod, understanding the gravity of our situation. We can’t control the Rifts’ sporadic appearances, but we can control our actions and our determination to bring Owen back.

As I stand there beside Lucas, observing the ever fluctuating Rift that holds Owen within its enigmatic grasp, a sudden, unexpected movement seizes my attention. The Rift begins to shift and waver, its erratic behavior sending a shiver of apprehension down my spine.

Before Lucas can react or reach out to stop me, a surge of determination overtakes me. The sight of Owen trapped in this turbulent abyss, my pack mate and a dear friend, compels me to act. Without hesitation, I cry out, my voice filled with a mixture of fear and resolve, and I take a step forward, fully knowing that there’s a reason I was brought on this journey. And it’s this reason right here. I know what I need to do.

Before Lucas can fully comprehend my intentions, I make a decision. I can’t stand idly by, letting Owen face this perilous ordeal alone. With a deep breath, I plunge into the unstable Rift, disappearing into its swirling, other-worldly depths.

I’m coming, Owen, I think desperately to myself. You aren’t alone.

The sensation of being drawn into The Rift is a harrowing and disorienting one. I find myself enveloped in a disconcerting black void, where the boundaries of my senses blur and merge in an unsettling way. In this strange space, I am acutely aware of my own emotions, and it’s perplexing, to say the least.

The Rift is known for siphoning away emotions, creating a desolate emptiness. Yet, here I am, feeling everything intensely. It’s as if all the emotions it has absorbed over time are swirling around me, a tumultuous storm of feelings threatening to overwhelm my senses.

Confusion and fear intertwine as I try to make sense of this bizarre phenomenon. I can sense the emotions of others who have passed through here, their lingering presence leaving an indelible mark on the Rift’s dark tapestry. The weight of their emotions bears down on me, as if I’m carrying the collective burden of all those who have ventured into this abyss.

“Owen,” I cry out but my voice makes no sound. It’s just lost in the Rift.

In the eerie silence of the Rift, my voice remains unheard, but there’s a connection that transcends sound, something deeper and more profound. I can sense Owen’s presence nearby, a reassuring beacon amidst the unsettling void.

With a sense of urgency, I begin to move towards the sensation of him, guided by an instinctual pull that defies the usual laws of physical space. It’s as though our very souls are reaching out to one another, seeking solace and companionship in this bewildering place.

As I draw closer to Owen, the darkness begins to yield to a dim, ethereal light, casting a faint glow on his form. Our outstretched hands find each other, and in that moment, the world outside The Rift fades away, replaced by the comfort of our shared connection.

We hold each other close, our embrace a life line in the abyss. The jumble of emotions that had once overwhelmed me now finds solace in Owen’s presence. Together, we are a beacon of strength, defying the oppressive nature of this enigmatic realm.

In the heart of The Rift, our determination to protect one another creates a powerful force, a barrier of resilience that pushes against the relentless pull of the abyss. It’s as though our very presence is a defiance to the malevolent forces that seek to strip us of our emotions, leaving us as empty husks.

The swirling darkness that surrounds us seems to writhe and recoil, unable to penetrate the shield we’ve unintentionally formed. The struggle to preserve our emotions while trapped in this eerie dimension is a precarious balance.

As Owen and I hold on to each other, our connection becomes a life line, anchoring us in the midst of uncertainty. The absence of any immediate threat from the Rift’s monstrous denizens is a small comfort, or perhaps it’s our united front that keeps them at bay.

The questions linger, though. Can they not breach our defenses as long as we stand together? Or are they biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike? In this enigmatic realm, speculation is all we have.

We huddle together, our hearts beating in unison, a testament to our resilience and unwavering determination. All we can do now is hold each other close and wait, hoping that our bond will prove stronger than the insidious forces that seek to tear us apart.

As Owen and I cling to each other in the heart of the Rift, a powerful surge of emotion courses through me. The depth of my feelings for him is overwhelming, and in this moment, all I want is to convey the profound love that resides within my heart. But the words remain trapped, unable to escape my lips.

Part of me fears that if I were to utter those three simple words, it would be akin to accepting defeat, acknowledging that this could be the end of our journey together. And I refuse to accept that notion. There’s a fierce determination within me, an unyielding belief that we can find a way out of this predicament, that our love is a force stronger than the darkest of voids.

I steal a glance at Owen, his eyes mirroring the same emotions that swell within me. I can’t help but wonder if he’s wrestling with the same unspoken words, the same fear that uttering them might bring an unwanted finality to our situation.

In this surreal realm, where words seem to vanish into the abyss and emotions run deep, there’s an unspoken understanding between us. We may not be able to vocalize our love, but our actions and the connection we share speak volumes.

No, this can’t be the end. It won’t be. We’ll face whatever challenges lie ahead, conquer the darkness together, and emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever before. Our love is a beacon of hope, a guiding light in this shadowy abyss, and I hold on to it with unwavering faith.



Lucas bursts into our cave, his face twisted with urgency, and I jolt awake, instantly alert. With the way he’s panting and agitated, it’s evident that something is seriously troubling him. His words come out in a rush, making it difficult to discern what’s causing his distress.

I sit up, rubbing sleep from my eyes, and focus on Lucas, trying to make sense of his frantic demeanor. His words tumble out in a jumble, and it takes a moment for me to piece together the fragmented information he’s providing.

“The Rift... it’s moving, flickering, and something’s not right,” he manages to convey between breaths, his eyes wide with alarm. The gravity of the situation begins to dawn on me as I process his words.