“It’s been…let me think…” Austin starts his answer several times, then finally says, “Long enough to know that if we don’t get mail delivered, people are going to get grouchy and report us.”

“And I won’t hesitate to write you up,” Monica’s voice startles us. How did we miss the door unlocking.

“Nothing out of order here,” Bear says.

A hint of relief graces Monica’s expression.

“Wait.” Austin steps closer to Monica. “Are you spot-checking us? Did you think we would be…misbehaving?”

Monica pushes her glasses up and clears her throat. “It’s not like I go looking for trouble.”

“But you’re here…”

“I always check in with new hires. Make sure they know I’m here for them.” I don’t like the way she hints that we could be trouble for Lexi.

“Thank you, I do,” Lexi says.

Austin’s voice barely hides his tension. “Now, since there’s nothing for you to see, we should get back to work.”

He has no idea the genius statement he just made.



Clocking in, I say hello to coworkers who mostly just smile, nod, and mind their own business. Will a corporate career take that toll on me?

Is my father right that I’m not ready for this environment? Maybe, but not because I’m immature. I’m not ready to stop enjoying life.

A few days of work have proven to me that this is going to be harder than I thought. My soul is dead by the time I get off work each day. The drab office colors are a little more tolerable when I balance them with passing by Beatrix’s cubicle to get doses of her bright colors and glitter.

Once I’m established, I’ll have to funnel reports to HR concerning workplace morale. Colors other than beige and gray could lift spirits. And if we could make small changes, we might not have to get my dad’s permission.

He doesn’t approve of anything I love. He’d never approve of me hooking up with three guys at once.

Excellent. I made it a whole five minutes without thinking about the guys. When I get to the mail room, they’re grinning. “Do I want to know why all three of you are grinning ear to ear?”

“John came up with a plan.” Austin pauses and John nods for him to continue. “Monica can only write up incidents that happen in the workplace.”

“Thank goodness, she won’t be following me home.”

“I’m being serious. She can only write up incidents that are documentable in the workplace.”

“I get it. But I can’t sneak around with you outside of here and—”

He holds a finger up then extends a hand and John puts a box on it. Austin pops the top open to reveal two bright pink items: a small remote control and a short vibrator. I’m almost as excited about the vibrant color as the items themselves.

“Giving me sex toys seems highly documentable.”

“So you know what it is?” Bear is close on one side and John on the other.

I nod. “I don’t want to get in trouble.”

John says, “The other day, it dawned on me that you can’t get written up unless the incident is documentable in the workplace. What do you say we have a little fun giving you orgasms without documentable touching?”

Saliva pools in my mouth and I swallow to avoid drooling. I love this idea way too much.

Bear says, “Let’s call it a baby step. You’re not ready for a relationship, and we can’t deny what we want to do to you.”