She stares at the little paper. “You knew you were going to marry me?”

“I told you I was coming back for you. I meant it. But I can’t steal the show. These guys want to marry you too.” I motion toward the bigger piece of paper.

John did a fabulous job of coming up with an acronym for ‘soulmate’:

Speaking Of Us—Love, Marriage, And Trust Everlasting

Underneath the lengthy acronym, in a business memo format, is the request for her to marry us.

“Is this…” her words falter and her mouth hangs open. She reattaches the sticky note to the top of the page. Her chest makes distinct rises and falls.

John kneels beside me. “It’s not my best work. That’s a lot of letters to make an acronym but the offer is real. You are our soulmate, Lexi. Will you marry us?”

Bear joins us at her feet. “It’s what all of us want. Your stepfather be damned. You’re more important than any job we could ever have. You’ve shown us that life is about more than work. When we had that spark of an idea that between the three of us, we could do right by a woman, you not only showed us it was possible, but that we could do right by ourselves.”

“Please marry us,” John reiterates.

My heart races, I’ve never been more desperate for someone to answer a question. I know she’ll say yes, but I have to hear the word from her lips.

“I will. I’ll marry you. All of you. I love you so much.”

We fall into a scramble of declarations of love and promises of eternity and happiness as we awkwardly hug.

“We have a couple of other things,” John reminds us and we make space for him to hand the envelope back to Lexi.

She pulls out a photograph of Bear holding her against his chest, his hand around her neck, me between her legs, and she’s looking straight at John and the camera. A hint of a blush colors her cheeks.

“You know when I took that?” John asks.

She raises an eyebrow. Lexi surprises us by saying, “I do. It was the day I became addicted to having a cock inside of me.”

“There’s that.” John laughs. “It’s also the day we got you pregnant.”

She chuckles, “And how do you know I’m pregnant?”

“We’re about to find out.” He motions to the envelope.

She reaches in again and pulls out the pregnancy test stick. I feel the same way about this as I did about her agreeing to marry us, I need the confirmation. “Ready to make this official, Kitten.

She takes a heavy breath and flips the plastic test in her hands. “I’ve never taken one before. Do I just pee on it? What do I look for?”

John answers, “Uncap, pee on it, and wait five minutes. A plus means pregnant.”

“And if it’s not a plus.”

“A minus means we keep trying.”

“All right.” She heads to the bathroom, her naked ass taunting us as she goes. I’m tempted to rip the test stick out of her hands and make love to her again. But I crave the certainty that we’re a new kind of daddy. And I want to see her eyes light up when she finds out she’s a mother.

When she returns, she sets the test stick on the end table and puts a tissue over it. “This is going to be five minutes of torture, and I want to be the one to read it, but could someone start a timer?”

“I already did. And we plan on helping you pass the time.” John takes her hand and leads her back to the couch. “Now that our business is handled, we can pick up where we left off. Would it pass the time easier to see how many orgasms you can have in five minutes?”

“I’m primed. You left me hanging.” She sits on the center cushion. John grabs her knees, parts them, and kisses his way upher thighs. She giggles and writhes, and I have to strip because my cock is about to rip out of my pants.

I love how happy Kitten gets. I move behind the couch where I can drag my fingers through her silky hair. Her nipples are tight beads. John switches his kisses to a lick. He flattens his tongue on her thigh, stopping to reach up and tweak a nipple. Fuck.

“I’ll take picture duty,” Bear says, and he snaps a couple photos. It’s become our thing, one of us holding back, taking pictures. Her body shakes as John makes his way to her center, slurping, and I swear that fucker is being dramatic about it, but her body shivers.