Avery ushers Beatrix and me to the corner booth and stands at the edge of the table with her notepad resting on top of her baby belly. It’s too big to call it a bump anymore. “Shouldn’t you be at work? And happier? What’s going on, Lexi?”
“Long story.”
Beatrix says, “I’m treating her to a sugar coma.”
“You want to see the dessert options?”
I shake my head and Beatrix answers for me. “Everything Cheri makes is wonderful. Pick for us.”
“Will do. Anything else?”
“Can you serve up a job? I was let go.” I shouldn’t dump my problems on her.
“So sorry, honey.” She’s eight months pregnant, is on her feet all day in the diner, and doesn’t have anyone to help her with the pregnancy or the baby afterward. And she’s on hiatus from the Hot Rollers. She’s sorry for me?
I self-consciously rub a hand over my belly. I could end up like her. How did I get so lost in everything that I had unprotected sex?
Avery’s voice is light. “You can take my position. My last day is Friday.”
“It’s either that or let Beatrix teach me how to be a cam girl.”
“She taught me.”
“What?” I glance between the two of them.
Avery says, “I don’t exactly have a savings account. Beatrix and I were joking around, and I tried the cam girl thing. That’s why I won’t be waitressing much longer.”
“Cam girl? While you’re pregnant?”
“I do foot fetish.” She extends her neck forward, looking down. “It’s getting harder, but I can keep doing it when the baby arrives. You’d be amazed what people will pay to see my feet. It’s the most bizarre thing ever. But, hey, what do I care? When my feet ache at the end of the day, I can think about how much money they make me.”
I’m captivated but the rumble of motorcycles draws all of our attentions. My heart’s in my throat. I remind myself that Austin, Bear, and John are at work.
The bikers file inside. The first one is Mammoth. He’s in the diner a lot. His eyes linger on Beatrix. Does he have a thing for her? She doesn’t notice, but before I can say anything, Avery says, “Let me put an order in for you. Gotta take care of the regulars.”
The bikers probably know my coworkers. Do they know Bear’s name is Garrett Caylor?
Several minutes pass when the rumble of more motorcycles draws my attention to the parking lot. Oh, shit. It’s them.
Avery catches the panicked look on my face as she’s setting plates, napkins, and utensils on our table. “What’s wrong, honey?”
“I don’t want to talk to them.” I make small motions with my head toward the parking lot as she angles herself in front of me.
“You can hide behind my belly.”
That works oddly well, but I don’t admit it. “I’m going to have to do this sooner or later.”
Apparently sooner because Bear is peering over Avery’s belly.
“Mind if we have some privacy?” he asks.
Avery waits for me to nod. “All right, Cheri will have your order out any minute.”
With my arms folded on the table, I say, “We’re no longer coworkers. Are you happy?”
Bear says, “We heard. Can we go somewhere to talk?”
“What do you mean you heard?”