
“What are you doing?” Austin asks.

Sensing that his words are directed at me, I look at the envelope I’m sliding into the slot, check the name, and shift it to the correct place. I grab the next envelope.

“Hold on, Bear. I’ve watched you put the last five envelopes in the same spot. Check your work.”

Exhaling hard, I throw my hands up. I don’t know where I was putting anything. Scanning the slots, I notice one has decidedly more mail than the rest. Grabbing the lot, I sort the incorrectly placed mail and ignore Austin and John’s grumbles.

I can’t get my baby girl off my mind. With each piece of mail that passes through my hands, fear wells inside of me that Lexi has no intention of reaching out to us.

We’ll have to work on Beatrix, or go the stalker route and show up at their roller derby practice.

Patience is not my friend. It’s barely after ten. Why would I expect anything this early in the day? She probably has college classes or a job.

A click from the door doesn’t faze me because a click means somebody has a badge. Probably just Monica coming in to see if we stopped gabbing as she put it. But when Austin’s hand freezes midair I turn to see what’s up.

It’s Lexi. My cock twitches. Yesterday was casual sexy. Today it’s business sexy. Her skirt is tighter, and her button-up blouse is more professional. Okay, work rather than college. But who let her in?

Her hands are behind her back. Does she realize that thrusts her boobs forward? A small purse with a long strap is slung crossways over her body, indenting her blouse along her cleavage. My palms itch to grab her tits. To grab her. To hold her against my body again. I don’t understand how I can miss her this badly after one time, and we didn’t even have sex.

“Baby Girl, you’re back!” I can hardly believe it.

“What are you doing here?” She looks confused.

“We work here.” I don’t understand what’s going on.

“In the mail room?”

“Wasn’t that obvious yesterday?”

“I thought you brought me to the mail room because it was convenient.”

“It was, because we work here.”

“Did Beatrix put you up to this? People like me work in mail rooms. Not older men who wear expensive suits.”

I remove a cuff link and roll one sleeve up then the other. “Does this help?”

Austin loosens his tie, and John tousles his hair.

“Beatrix had to put you up to this. The joke is over.” Lexi doubles down.

“She didn’t. I’m confused. Did she let you in?”


“Then how’d you get in?”

She slides a hand from behind her back and holds up a badge. “I officially start in the mail room tomorrow. Just doing my B.A.N.G.Z. zone testing.”

Stepping closer, I verify thatAlexandraSmith is indeed an employee. Her full name is too formal. Lexi is much more fitting. But more importantly, faking a badge would be more than Beatrix could pull off.

The amount of happiness exploding inside of me is incomprehensible. I’m ready to lock the door and pick up where we left off. I’ll move double time on mail delivery if it means freeing up time to be with Baby Girl.

Lexi shifts nervously, worrying her lower lip.

My cock likes it when she worries, as long as she does that, but the rest of me isn’t so happy. “What’s wrong?”