Making a quick stop at the time clock station, I log the start of my break.
When I step into Beatrix’s cubicle, she’s putting an earbud in. “Hey, take a break with me.”
“Right now? What’s wrong?”
“I need advice.”
She logs the break in the employee portal then ditches her earbuds. “What’s going on?”
We walk down the aisle between the cubicles and as we’re getting toward the end near the stairwell, I whisper, “I’ve officially broken the company fraternization policy.”
“You had sex with them.”
“Keep your voice down.” I throw the door to the stairwell open realizing the echo off the concrete is an even worse place to have the conversation.
She’s thrilled but keeps her voice down. “How was it? Tell me everything.”
“I’ll tell you later.” I lead the way to the roof. “What do you know about them?”
“You told me not to snoop.”
“In general, as coworkers.”
“They’re new.”
“How new?”
“A week or two? They’re overqualified. They dress according to policy but at a price tag that doesn’t match mail room pay. But you know that. Why ask now?”
“I was asking them about a…a toy they gave me, and I’m not elaborating, when Bear freaked out. Undeniably freaked out. It made me think about their elusiveness when employment comes up. The never give straight answers. Who stumbles on that? Did I make a mistake?”
“They’re good guys, but you’re right, something’s not on the up and up. Let me do the snoopy-snoop. I’ll see what I can dig up. I gotta protect my girl.”
“I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“I won’t. Besides, my cam girl thing is stupidly successful. I’m going to quit this job soon.”
“I’m so excited for you.”
The fresh air on the roof calms me as we walk around the edge. The breeze tosses my hair, and I have to corral the wild strands with one hand, reminding me of the way Bear wrapped his fingers around it. I shake the thought. No more naughty plans until I know they’re legit.
“Everybody has a paper trail. I’ll tap into the records.”
“You really should put your computer skills to work for good.”
“This is good. I’m helping a friend.”
“Thanks. This is so ridiculous. What am I going to do if it turns out they’re just decent super-hot guys who have a thing for me? Should I quit? Give up my plan so we don’t work together?”
“If they want to meet all of your needs, let them.” Beatrix steps in front of me, grabs my shoulders, then points down the street. “But if it’s important to you to work here, do it. Your father works in that building. He never comes over here. He’s not going to find out. This is all he sees of us from his ivory tower.”
I end up taking the rest of the day off so I won’t have to confront the guys until I know more. Claiming the attention of three coworkers and having sex with them hardly fits with my goal of climbing to the top of the company unnoticed.
I’m grateful when it’s time for a roller derby practice. Beatrix has information but insists she share it in person.
She’s changing from her skirt and top into workout clothes when I arrive. She motions for me to hold on while she pulls a sports bra overhead. Already in my practice gear, I remove my outer layers of a jacket and sweatpants.