I grab my lanyard and I’m about to pull it over my head when my phone buzzes. A message from HR. Monica needs me in her office as soon as possible. Could she possibly have found out what we did with Lexi? None of us would talk and Lexi would have no reason to unless her climb up the corporate ladderinvolved crushing men along the way. I don’t get that vibe from her. She doesn’t want to hurt anybody.
Lifting the lanyard from around my neck, I tap the badge on the keypad. Popping the door open, I confirm Lexi’s not hear yet.
Letting the door close, I’ll go straight to HR. Best to get that over with, but I pause mid-stride. I glanced at my suit jacket pocket and the neatly folded pair of new panties I’m using as a pocket square. I figured this would be a fun way to make up for all the panties we’re going to steal or destroy.
Tucking one lacy edge into my pocket, I resume my trek to HR.
Rounding the door into the HR office, Monica is standing behind her desk, leaning forward, her fingertips poised on the top of the desk. Her lips are pursed, eyes narrowed.
“Is there a problem?”
“What are you up to, Bear?” She emphasizes my name.
I raise my hands defensively. “I’m an hour early. Is that suspicious to you? Are you watching the clock-in times?”
She leans back from her poised stance over the desk and crosses her arms. “What is it with the three of you? Something’s up and if I figure out it’s against company policy, I’ll file every grievance possible.”
“Just doing my job.”
“Your job isn’t to harass delivery drivers. And when I logged his complaint against you, the system triggered a pop-up to send you to the CEO. That’s never happened before.”
“The delivery driver filed a complaint? He’s the one who was out of line.”
“Normally, I would hear your side of the conflict, but I’m being overridden. I don’t know what this is about, but I don’t like my job being micromanaged.”
I try to think of a defense for myself but she shushes me.
“From the moment I was told to hire the three of you, I’ve sensed something’s amiss.”
I can’t tell her about the secret project, so I point toward the door. “Guess I better go see what Smith wants, so I can get back to work on time.”
Monica confirms that I can leave. Smith’s office is down the road a couple blocks, the building where I normally do my job as an executive for Opus Syndicate, which is why we aren’t recognized in this building. Worry works its way through my body one inch at a time, digging into every nook and cranny.
Is what Monica said true, that this is tied to the loading dock confrontation, or a coincidence, and Smith knows we had sex at work?
Smith shows up at 6 am but doesn’t schedule meetings before 8 am. I’m hopeful I can slip in without a wait.
His secretary makes one quick call to him and ushers me into his office. He’s at his oversized desk with a wall of windows giving a view of the sunrise behind him.
He slides a paper with an image on it across his desk. My stomach knots. Cameras have gotten so small these days, there could be a camera in the mail room. There could be secret cameras everywhere. But no, it’s the loading dock. I study the picture.
He motions for me to take a seat, which I do. My confidence is riding high with an easy explanation.
Smith says, “What were you doing with Alexandra Smith?”
I return my attention to the picture. “You mean Lexi?”
“Alexandra…my daughter.”
His what? The paper falls over backward in my grasp. I’m studying his face. He’s not joking. He never does.
Fuck! I tried to breed the boss’s daughter. He’d be the worst father-in-law ever. No wonder Lexi has issues. No wonder she liked the idea of having three new daddies.
“She’s your daughter?”
He nods and his eyes move down to my suit jacket. He points at my pocket square that’s folded from panties that I bought for his daughter.
He says, “That pocket square doesn’t quite match that tie and it’s folded like…” He waves his hands as if he can’t even think of a way to describe the atrocity.