“You mean to watch?”

“I like that, too.” I love the way her laugh wiggles her body against mine.

“You’re terrible.”

“I like to know what I’m up against. I read that the jammer can give up her panty to another player. Have you ever done that?” I slide my hands along her arms, then shift one onto her belly, then lower it, sinking to her sex.

Her breaths grow heavy as she struggles to say, “You do realize the panty is a stretchy thing we wear over our helmets.”

I rub circles around her sex. “Are you trying to avoid answering if you’ve ever passed your panty to someone else?”

Lexi nods. I don’t know if she’s avoiding answering or if she’s passed her panty off, but I love that she can’t think straight.

Then I pull my hand away. “Sorry, I forgot about the no-hands rule. I didn’t see anything about teeth though.”

I drop to my knees behind her, slide her skirt up, and damned if she isn’t wearing panties with paw prints straight across the back.

“Oh, Kitten…”

Before she has a chance to say anything, I bite her ass. She gasps as I trail my teeth to catch the panties just enough that I can tug them down. Then an alarm goes off. She turns to look. I release her panties and they fall to her ankles.

“That’s my alarm. I have to meet the delivery truck at the dock to get today’s packages.”

“I like the sound of you handling packages,” I say as John opens her locker and silences the phone.

“You’re supposed to be helping me follow the rules.”

I grip her leg just below the knee with one hand and lift it to ease her foot out of her panties. Then I help her get her other foot out. I rub my hands up and down both legs and kiss her ass.

Bear takes advantage of me being occupied and grabs her panties from the floor.

“You boys.” She turns around then extends her hand. “I need those.”

“Not as much as I do.” Bear laughs.

She huffs and pushes my forehead with one hand. I overreact, fall backward, and crash on the floor in front of her. I take a minute to admire her while she makes sure her skirt is back in place.

“Fine, we’ll have it your way…I’ll get the packages commando.”

Bear’s eyes go wide but she’s out the door before he says, “That driver’s a prick. I’ll be back.”

“Don’t go running down there with that thing.” I point at his erection. He adjusts himself, taking a moment to shift his pants and wiggle his hips while trying to get his cock under control.



I look into the hallway and she’s already out of sight. The minute to myself could be useful while I wrap my brain around why I’m willing to break the rules with Lexi. Workplace rules are clearly spelled out and she made it even clearer that she doesn’t plan on working elsewhere.

But being with her every day challenges me. There’s no way I can avoid having a relationship with her just because we both work at Opus Syndicate.

At least I’m not a hypocrite. My brothers and I decided not to include anyone in our special project report whose only infraction is fraternizing.

How can I know in my soul that we’ll convince Lexi to let us care for her? Is it just selfishness?

Now that I’ve got my erection tamed, I hustle down to help her in the loading dock. Before I get the door open, I hear a loud, irritated male voice. “I have schedules to adhere to.”

Stepping onto the loading bay, my blood boils to discover the asshole delivery driver berating my baby girl.