Today is the day I kick off my master plan. The first step in proving to my dad that success in business doesn’t have to come at the expense of everything else…including family.
Sliding into the Human Resources office four minutes late, I’m not off to a good start. Driving to work in rush hour took longer than my trial run. Things to think about as I move back and start my life as an adult in this city.
I spent the last couple of years away with an aunt because I was problematic.
The buttoned-up HR lady looks over her glasses, makes a show of angling her head to the wall clock, then back at me with pursed lips.
“Did you understand your start time?”
“Yes ma’am. My apologies, I won’t be late again.” My brain is still mushy after yesterday’s naughty fling, but I have to focus. The nameplate on the desk reminds me that her name is Monica.
I can’t establish a reputation for slacking or disregarding the rules if I want to carry out my secret plan to climb through the ranks in my dad’s company. With the last name of Smith, no one’s going to realize who I am. Technically, he’s my stepdad, but he’s the only dad I’ve ever known, and adopted me before I understood what that meant.
Monica wastes no time ushering me to an office, sitting me at a computer, and explaining how the trainings work. She points me to the app I can download if I want to keep track for myself and have my own access to the content. Otherwise, I’m welcome to log on from a work computer.
My eyelids droop as I finish one monotonous video after another. I had no idea yesterday’s orgasms could leave me so exhausted. That’s not entirely true. It’s the sleepless night spent thinking about three men who want to be my daddies that did me in. I couldn’t get Austin, Bear, and John off my mind.
I’m not sure I should have messed around with future coworkers, but my friend Beatrix, who works here, commented about my V-card, in a way only a close friend can, then a few surprises had everything unraveling.
I laugh as an acronym comes on the screen—S.E.X. in large letters. I blink several times, thinking that my mind has detoured to yesterday. Nope, it’s an acronym for the next video. I crack up,Superior Ergonomic Xperienceis spelled out underneath it. That has to be intentional.
I had chuckled at the O.T.T.,Zero Trash Toleranceacronym, and cursed my dirty mind for making anything of N.O.B,Notification Of Benefits. They’re ordinary enough. But S.E.X. has to be intentional.
If only the training was as exciting as its name. And the next one, C.O.C.D.,Code Of Common Decency. Perfect!
And that brings me to the S.H.I.T. training.Sexual Harassment Isn’t Tolerated.No need to panic. Yesterday’s romp was anything but harassment. And, yesterday, I wasn’t an employee.
Yesterday…such a sweet memory. Three of my future coworkers gave me orgasms and promised to help with my V-card. I click ‘Complete’ and move to the next training video.
My laugh is stifled by the meaning:Fraternization is Unacceptable is Core Knowledge
Crap. I didn’t think rules like this existed anymore. I shift in my seat, tugging at the hem of my skirt as if it matters. I’m alone.
My heart pounds in my chest as I anticipate Beatrix jumping out and yelling, “Pranked!”
The cursor on the screen blinks. I remain alone in the silence. This is real. Anger bubbles up in me that she knew about the F.U.C.K. policy. That’s why she cut me off from telling them I was going to be a coworker.
I hear about fraternization policies in movies but didn’t think they really existed. Teachers at my high school dated each other, and I’m always hearing about workplace romances. Why am I presented with three spectacular daddies only to find out they’re off-limits? Will Austin, Bear, and John be mad at me for deceiving them?
Suffering through the explanation that workplace relationships will not be tolerated, I click through to the next training. B.A.N.G.Z.,Badge Admittance and No-Go Zones.
I want to kiss whoever made these acronyms—except that would violate the S.H.I.T. policy.
As instructed on the screen, I take a break to get my badge and test it. There’s also a pop-up reminding me, as advised inthe S.E.X. training, that I shouldn’t be sitting for too long at one time.
Back in Monica’s office, I sign for my badge, and get my list of admittance and no-go zones.
I’m dying to get to Beatrix to discuss her little trick yesterday. She knows I never would have let loose with those men if I’d known it was against policy. I have a wild side, but don’t want to mess up my career plan.
On my way to her cubicle, everyone is heartily absorbed in their data entry, and many of the workers are wearing headphones.
I sit on Beatrix’s desk, grab her earbud, then whisper-shout, “No fraternizing?”