Liam is giving us a mildly interested look from the back seat.

“Jesse is already trying to convince her to let him play doctor. Don’t listen to him. The only one here who’s qualified to be your doctor is me. I got certified in CPR a few years ago. If you need mouth-to-mouth, I’ll take one for the team and administer it, Jake’s sister.”

She narrows her eyes at him. “My name is Andi. Has Jake really not told you guys my name?”

I open the passenger door for her in the front, jerking my thumb for Carter to get his ass in the back with Liam. “Your brother treats you like a national secret.”

“Same goes for you guys,” she says, lifting her huge dress and trying to get up into the truck. She struggles, so I kneel and thread my hands together, giving her a makeshift step.

She smirks at my gesture, curtseys, then plants her filthy foot in my hand and pauses. “Um, don’t look up while I do this. Jake told me not to mention it, but I kind of went commando under this dress.”

And just like that, my cock, which has been in a state of hibernation since my break up with Sarah, stirs to life. I stare hard at the ground, watching her dirt-stained toes flex as she pushes herself up and crawls into the passenger seat. She shuffles, tucking the dress in around her and then gives me a thumbs up once she’s settled. I close the door for her, shaking my head.

No wonder Jake didn’t tell us about his sister. She’s fucking infectious. If I introduce her to the team, they’re all going to be punching each other out for a chance to make a move on her. The assholes probably won’t even care that she clearly needs some time and space, given the whole runaway bride thing.

I get back behind the wheel and look at Liam and Carter. The expressions on their faces immediately tell me this girl is going to be trouble. I have about thirty minutes to figure out how the hell I’m going to keep them away from her.

“So,” Carter says. “We’ve got a spare bedroom in the cabin, right? If not, she could have my bed. I’ll just sleep on the floor until she’s ready to invite me in. Or if you’re still cold, we could cuddle up for warmth.”

Andi is rubbing her hands together in front of the heaters. She pulls them to her face, pursing her full lips and blowing on them. “Sorry. I know I look like quite the catch, but I’m completely broke. I couldn’t pay for a room at your cabin. I think I’m just going to hide out at a fast food place and wait for my brother to come pick me up.”

“No,” I say. “We’re not taking your money. But I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to sleep in the cabin with us.”

She tilts her head at me, mischief glinting in her eyes. “Why is that?”

I clench my teeth together. Carter leans forward, punching my good shoulder from the back seat. “Yeah, Jesse. Why is that? Worried you’ll pop a stiffy in the middle of the night and puncture your water bed?”

She laughs, clapping her hands. “Wait. You really sleep on a water bed?”

“The guys make fun of me for it, but it is a nice way to sleep.”

“Wow,” she says, still smiling. “I’ve always kind of wanted to sleep on a water bed.”

“Hey, Jesse,” Carter says. “Remember when you asked me to trade beds with you? I’ve thought harder about it and decided to allow you to trade with me. I’ll take your water bed. For the team.”

“I never asked to trade beds or rooms with you, Carter. It’s my cabin. Why would I want to give you my room?”

“Come on,” he says, grinning. “Help me out, dude.”

“He calms down eventually,” Liam says. “Carter just gets excited when he meets new people. He’s obnoxious when he’s excited.”

“I’ve been called endearing,” Carter says. “By nicer people,” he adds under his breath.

“I don’t mind it,” Andi says. “I’ve always wanted to meet Jake’s teammates. He’s just… protective. He’s worried I’m going to fall in love with them or something. You,” she says, correcting herself as if she’s just now realizing we are “them”.

Carter runs a hand through his hair, only managing to make it messier. “Well, you’ve already got the dress. What do you say we leave these losers behind? You and me can go get hitched somewhere.”

She laughs, even though I’m not sure Carter was joking. “You know he said you guys weren’t even fun. Obviously he was just trying to keep me away. This is already great.”

“Right,” Carter says, sinking back into his seat. “We’re a blast.”

“I think she should stay in the guest house,” I say suddenly. “Nolan can take the spare bedroom and we’ll give the guest house to Andi.”

“Does she plan to stay in Frosty Harbor long enough to need a bed?” Liam asks.

Andi tilts her head as if she’s thinking over the idea for the first time. “Maybe I will. My family used to visit here when I was a kid for the holidays. Jake will be here, too. I was kind of bummed to be away from him for Christmas during the honeymoon. But now I wouldn’t have to be. And besides, what better place for a fresh start?”

“Jesse grew up here,” Liam says. “He could show you the local’s tour.”