Looking Theodore in the eye, Justin asked what needed to be asked. “Are you interested in pressing charges against her as well?”
Squaring his shoulders, Theodore barreled forward despite the pain in his chest. “I will not allow my mother to think that she is above the law.” Theodore refused to compromise his morals on behalf of his relationship with his mother. As far as he was concerned, he no longer had a relationship with his mother.
“Very well, governor, we'll get things underway. Here is my card. I will be in touch as things progress. We will make sure the cad is taken care of. You need not stay.” Looking over at the intrepid Miss Catherine, he nodded to her. “I do believe the young miss would be best served by having a cup of hot, sweet tea.”
“Thank you for the suggestion.” Theodore looked at Catherine closely and saw that though she was still maintaining a strong facade, she was paler than usual. It would be better to get her back to her home. “Let us all head back to Darcy House.” A hand on his sleeve stopped him from going directly to Catherine. He looked at Lambert with his eyebrows raised.
In a quick and gentle manner, she spoke up, her words barely reaching his ears. “Might I suggest that you wash your hands of the blood, my lord? There is a stream just there.” Lambert pointed to the body of water that bubbled tranquilly not ten feet away.
Nodding his head, Theodore first picked up the dirty blade and then went to the water and began scrubbing the blood off his hands in the cool water. It gave him a moment to collect his thoughts before he had to face everyone again. Done with his hands, he cleaned the blade as best he could. So many things were running through his head, recriminations among the foremost. There was also a tremendous amount of relief that Catherine was well and, for the most part, unharmed.
“While he is doing that, I will help you with your hair and bonnet.” Selene had picked up the bonnet as well as Catherine’s reticule before helping her get the bonnet back on her head. Hopefully, nothing would look so very amiss as they made their way back to Darcy House.
Once her bonnet was back in place, Catherine kneeled in front of Timmy, who had begun to look uncomfortable and out of place. “Timmy, thank you for coming to my aid earlier.”
“It weren’t nothin’, Miss Catherine.” Looking away, he blushed. “I am just that glad you are safe. I will let you folks head to your home now.” As he made to go, Miss Catherine quickly stopped him by embracing him tightly.
“I would hope that you would come home with me. I would like to introduce you to my family. They will be very grateful to meet the boy who was so helpful to me. If you do not want to stay, you do not have to, but I know they would like to show their gratitude as well.” Catherine held the boy out from her and looked into his face.
“Well, if you want me to. I suppose I can come with you for a while.” Timmy gave a small smile.
Returning from the stream with less blood on his person, Theodore offered his arm to Catherine, who took it without hesitation. They all left the clearing by unspoken agreement, and no one bothered to look back at the group seeing to the injured Lord Deerhurst.
At the exit of the park, Mr. Burgess spoke up. “Lord Matlock, I see my carriage waiting. Would you be opposed to taking my carriage to Darcy House? I do not think we can all fit, but at least Miss Catherine shan’t have to walk among the crowds.”
Looking at Catherine, Theodore saw her nod of approval. “Splendid idea, thank you, Mr. Burgess.” He watched as the tall gentleman moved through the cacophony of carriages to summon his own.
There was not much talking as they waited for the carriage to make its way over. What did one say in such a situation? Theodore figured they were all, for the most part, still shocked by the events of the morning.
Looking down at Catherine, he was once again stymied by her stylish bonnet. He could not catch her expression as she stared straight ahead, effectively blocking his view of her face and her glorious hair. He knew intrinsically that he had much to atone for, but he hoped with all that he had in him that he had a chance of redeeming himself in her eyes. It had to be a good thing that she had so easily taken his arm, right? He would hope that there was hope for them still.
The carriage pulled around and Lambert and Miss Burgess shepherded Catherine into the interior. Theodore judged it to be a fairly roomy. “Mr. Burgess, it might be tight quarters, but do you suppose we might all cram into the convenience? I think it might fit for the short distance we need to travel.”
Looking up at the carriage, Timmy's eyes widened in both fascination and apprehension as he found his voice. “I can ride up top.”
Mr. Burgess leaned down, smiling kindly at Timmy and patted him on the back. “That is kind of you, young man. Here, let me give you a hand up.”
Timmy let Mr. Burgess grip him under his arms and hoist him up to the driver. “Thank you. I wasn’t right sure how one got up there.”
Theodore hopped into the carriage while Timmy was getting situated and introducing himself to the driver. He was pleased to note that Catherine was making room for him to sit next to her. Lambert sat by the window, while Catherine sat in the middle, creating a cozy space for him on her side. He sat next to her and felt relieved when she leaned on him almost immediately.
He was not sure what he was going to say to her or how he was going to apologize, but he knew it was not best to try having the conversation in a crowded carriage. So they all passed a quiet few minutes before arriving at Darcy House.
Disembarking, he helped the ladies out of the carriage while Mr. Burgess helped Timmy down. It appeared the lad had more fun than he had expected, and his grin was infections.
The footman at Darcy House saw the group exiting the carriage and opened the door ahead of everyone. Theodore entered the building, his arm linked with Catherine's. Spotting a servant, he requested they get Darcy and Elizabeth. Lambert quickly scurried away, seemingly on a mission to ensure that Catherine had everything she needed.
Timmy was trailing behind everyone, seemingly overwhelmed by the fancy surroundings. “I do not know if I should be in here. I think it would be better if I were to go round back to the servants' entrance.”
Releasing his arm, Catherine knelt down in front of Timmy. “I am so grateful that you were thoughtful enough and brave enough to get Theodore for me. I couldn't care less what others may think about it, you are welcome in my home. My brother-in-law William will be glad to say the same.”
“What is it that I am rumored to have said?” Darcy walked into a tableau of people in the entryway.
Theodore went to his cousin. “There is a lot we need to discuss, Darcy. However, to answer your question, Catherine has been trying to reassure young Timmy that he does not need to head to the servants’ entrance.”
Darcy looked at Theodore, his brows furrowing with mounting concern. “If Catherine wants Timmy here, then by all means he does not need to rush off. Though considering it, I am going to guess that Timmy would be best served by being rewarded for his good service with a hot meal.”
Looking up at Darcy with a confused expression, Timmy questioned him. “You don’t even know nothin’ about what happened. Why are you so willing to be generous with me?”