“Sounds like a headache.”

“More like a nightmare.”

“So Gertie?—”

“Looks like trouble just walked in!” a guy at a corner table announces with a low whistle, drawing everyone’s attention to the door.

Annoyed at the interruption, I take my time turning my head to check out the young buck responsible for disrupting my conversation so I’ll know who needs to be escorted out in a few drinks. But my gaze doesn’t make it to the corner table. It snags on the long-legged, curvy beauty standing near the door with her friend.

Macy Knight will be the fucking death of me in those leggings. Instead of her usual flip-flops when she’s off-veterinarian duty, she’s wearing some strappy high heeled contraption. I’m instantly assaulted by an image of bending her over in nothing but those damn shoes.

I turn my back to the door, ripping my gaze away before Wyatt catches me undressing his little sister with my dirty eyes. Rubbing sweat from my palm to my jeans, I distract myself with a long pull of beer.

“It’s a good thing we’re here,” Everleigh says loud enough for the small crowd in the bar to hear. “Someone needs to get this party started.”

“Let me buy you ladies a drink?”

“Chad, I used to babysit you.”

“I know.” Chad says in a wriggling his eyebrows tone.

Wyatt’s boot catches the bottom of his bar stool, nearly knocking it over, as he leaps to his feet. I abandon my beer at the bar, both to have his back and also to keep him from doing something stupid in the name of protecting his baby sister. Wouldn’t look good for the sheriff to get arrested.

Except, his attention seems far more focused on Everleigh than Macy.

“I’ve been living under a fucking rock,” I mutter.

Macy’s gaze catches mine, and I swear time fucking stops. The bar grows completely quiet. Everything around me goes blurry, except for those whiskey brown eyes staring back at me. It’s been pure fucking torture having Macy Knight parade around the ranch, helping Paps with vaccinations, checkups, and minor medical concerns for all the animals. She’s practically living there now. The harder I try to avoid her, the more she seems to enter my orbit.

“Ryder, Wyatt, hey!” Everleigh announces, throwing her arms up in a I’m-coming-for-a-bear-hug-whether-you-like-it-or-not fashion. She wraps an arm around each of our necks and drags us to her.

I can’t seem to keep my eyes off Macy, standing behind the three of us, a demurely apologetic expression on her face.

Just as I feel Everleigh start to let go, I reach out an arm to Macy. “Don’t want to miss out on all the fun, do you?” I’m relieved in that moment to have Everleigh wedged between Wyatt and me, because I’m not sure what the fuck just came over me. But I decide that’s Future Ryder’s problem as Macy steps into my side, allowing me to wrap an arm around her.

One of her breasts presses against my chest, scrambling all rational thoughts. She reaches an arm around my back, suddenly not shy at all. She fits so perfectly tucked under my arm. I bet she’d fit just as easily in other ways, too.

“You ladies want to join us?” Wyatt asks as the group hug disperses. I feel the absence of Macy’s warmth immediately and force myself to retrieve my beer before anyone notices I’m not quite fucking right. If I had any sense, I’d keep my distance from the woman giving Paps false hopes about the makeshift animal rescue growing and thriving. I shouldn’t feel so drawn to a woman on a mission that so blatantly opposes my own.

Wyatt says, “We can grab a table.”

“Nah,” Everleigh says, looping her arm through Macy’s. Sending a surprising surge of disappointment through me as I try like hell not to stare at Macy’s ass walking away. It’s been impossible not to steal glances since the spaghetti supper when she led the way down the hall. Over her shoulder, Everleigh adds, “Us girls are overdue for a catch-up. Feel free to send us drinks, though.”

Wyatt discreetly moves us from our spot at the bar to a nearby table, giving us both a side view of the booth the women have procured near the back. I should leave it alone, but I feel entitled to some payback for Gertie.

“So, you and Everleigh, huh?”

Wyatt’s attention snaps to me, then to his barely touched beer. “That pain in the ass? No. Nothing happening there.”

“Right.” I don’t hide my shit-eating grin as I slowly raise my bottle to my lips.

“How’s the ranch doing?” Normally Wyatt wouldn’t be able to shift topics when I’m having fun, but the question causes an instant pit in my stomach.

“Let’s not ruin a nice night out.” I empty my beer, catching Annabelle’s eye, and shaking my head no before she can offer. Two is enough for me. I need to be up before dawn to get all the chores done before Grams puts me to work setting up for Paps’ surprise party.

“That bad?” Wyatt seems surprised.

“It’s not good.”