“You’re not taking off the blindfold yet, Mal.” I kiss her temple before leading her up four stairs, onto a covered front porch I know she’ll love. I can see her planning designs from a rocking chair out here in the summer as our kids play in the yard.
Unlocking the front door, I scoop her into my arms and carry her over the threshold. She squeaks in surprise. “What was that for?” she asks as I carry her into the living room.
“You’ll see.” I set her back on her feet. “Wait right here.”
“Trust me, baby.” I leave her standing in the middle of what will be our living room so I can plug in the Christmas tree. Aside from a bed I had delivered earlier this week, the Christmas tree is the only other thing in our new cabin. Our new family home.
I move behind Mallory, placing both hands on her shoulders. “Are you ready?”
I tug one end of the blindfold, allowing it to fall away. Mallory gasps as she claps both hands over her mouth. The Christmas tree is a stunner. Ten feet tall. Completely covered in lights and every single ornament my wife has managed to collect in our five years together. Which is a lot. It sits off to the right of a masterpiece of a fireplace.
“This is beautiful!” She spins around to face me. “Where are we—” Her eyes double in size.
“Welcome home, baby.”
Her eyes grow shiny with unshed emotion as she spins in a complete circle, taking it all in. From the living room, you can see most of the first floor. The open concept kitchen, the big empty space with the chandelier that’ll be our dining room, and a set of double French doors leading to an office I hope she’ll love. This cabin is definitely a step up from the tiny one where we met.
“This is ours?” she whisper cries.
I hold up the keys as evidence. “Yes.”
“When? How?”
“I got in good with Santa this year.”
Her gaze meets mine, one eyebrow raised in challenge. “I highly doubt that.”
“Having sex with my wife does not get one put on the naughty list.”
“Are you sure about that?” Mallory teases, reminding me of all the ways we’ve come up with to fuck. A couple that could’ve gotten us arrested.
“Does that mean you don’t want to christen this place before we get the kids then?”
Mallory grabs me by a belt loop, tugging me to her as she cups my cock through my jeans. It goes from half-hard to solid in two seconds. “You better have a blanket we can lay next to the fireplace. Because I know where I’d like to start.”
I slip a hand up the back of her sweater until I find the clasp of her bra. My fingers make quick work of it going slack. “I’ll even build us a fire.”