“Nadia really did rub off on you guys, didn’t she?” My laugh is laced with nerves. I don’t know why this is so terrifying to say out loud. Maybe it’s the pressure. Or the fear that I’m making the wrong decision. It’s not only Ryder looking at me expectantly, but Everleigh pretending not to eavesdrop as she takes an order from a nearby table.

No, this is the right decision.

Ryder abandons his seat and moves in right next to me. The warmth of him makes me instantly melt. Reminding me that no matter what I tell him today, we’re in this together just like he promised.

“Well, sweetheart?”

I help myself to one scoop of ice cream that includes a substantial amount of crushed up frosted animal cookies. I have to admit, I enjoy the way Ryder watches my mouth as I clean off the spoon. Did I take my time and add a little seductive flirty eye? Maybe.

Ryder drapes an arm around my shoulder, pulling me tight against him. “You have a little something on the corner of your mouth.” Before I can swipe at it, he leans in and catches the stray smear of ice cream with his tongue. Tingles erupt between my legs instantly. Never mind that we’ve been going at it like fucking rabbits. I want more. I need more.

“Macy,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. His breath tickles my cheek. “What’s it going to be?”

I set the spoon on a napkin and shimmy in my seat to face him. I’ll never get over the intensity in his gaze. It’s intimidating. It’s also the safety and protection I never thought I’d find in a man.

“I gave this a lot of thought.” I reach a hand to his thigh, rubbing the denim with nervous fingers. “I know I could do a lot of good if I made oncology my focus.”

Ryder’s expression holds steady, giving away nothing. “Sounds like we’re going to Colorado.”

“We are going to Colorado,” I say, reaching for his stubble covered cheek. I catch a flicker of emotion in those eyes. He’d never admit his disappointment. God I love this man more and more every day. “We’re going to Colorado to get my stuff.”

Everleigh squeals, knocking over a chair in the process. I knew she’d be eavesdropping.

Ryder combs my hair behind my ears with his fiery fingertips. “You’re sure?”

“Don’t you dare talk her out of this,” Everleigh chimes in from three tables away as she recovers the order pad she threw in her excitement.

“I’m sure,” I say loud enough for both of them to hear. “I can do a lot of good here, too. I want to be a part of Stone Ranch becoming an official animal sanctuary. Hard to do when I’m all the way in Colorado.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I got the trailer hitched up to my truck this morning.”

“You didn’t?”

“Look outside,” he says, nodding behind him toward the door.

“Someone was being a little optimistic,” I tease.

“He’s not the only one,” Everleigh chimes in, climbing into the empty booth behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck in a strangle-hug. She smacks a loud kiss to the top of my head before allowing me to breathe. “You two better not be gone long.”

“I think a week or two should do it?” Ryder looks to me.

“Sounds about right,” I agree.

He draws me in for a kiss that fucking stops time. I forget about Everleigh hovering behind us. I forget about the people in the diner with a front row seat. I forget about the trip to Colorado. I forget my damn name. I sink into his kiss, no longer trying to unravel the mystery of how this man can so easily make me melt every single time his lips claim mine. This is my life now.

“I love you,” I say to Ryder when I finally come up for air.

“Say that again,” he insists.

I narrow my eyes at him playfully. “Why?”

He tilts my chin up with a single finger. “Because I like hearing you say it, sweetheart.”

I roll my eyes at him, but the truth is I love any excuse to say these words now that I’ve stopped fighting them. I lean closer, cupping his cheek, already eager for another panty-melting kiss that promises we’ll be late getting on the road. “I love you, Ryder Stone.”