My mind empties of everything but this moment. I surrender to the euphoria as Ryder flips me onto my back. I hold onto him as though he’s the life raft in a massive ocean. He’s my anchor, keeping me safe as I’m hit with wave after wave of intense pleasure. I can no longer tell where one orgasm starts and another ends. Only that I come completely undone.

Ryder bucks into me like a wild horse until he stills, emptying his cock into my depths as our bodies remain tangled tightly together.

The moment feels intimate.

Too intimate.

When I start to squirm, the jerk drops his full bodyweight onto me and refuses to budge. “Ryder,” I groan.

“I’m not done being inside you, sweetheart.” He cups my face and steals a kiss before I can think straight enough to dodge it. It takes a tenth of a second for my brain to go full-on stupid again and surrender to his lips. When he finally breaks apart the toe-curling kiss, he has the audacity to chuckle.

“I hate you.”

He kisses me once more before quickly pulling out and hopping off the bed. My traitorous eyes go right to his still erect cock. I don’t have to look him in the eyes to feel his smug expression. “No, you don’t, sweetheart.”

Because I’m not ready to untangle the confusion happening in my head, I refuse to admit to him that he’s right.



The dinner table at Paps and Grams’ place feels emptier without Macy sitting across from me, sending me a mixture of sexy little glares and seductive glances. We damn near got called out for playing footsie the other night, saved only by the ringing of the landline phone Paps refuses to get rid of despite having a cell phone.

When I invited Macy to dinner at Paps and Grams’ today, as I’ve done every day this week, she turned me down flat. Said she had a date. That comment earned her a detour to the barn where I proceeded to remind her with her leggings around her ankles and my cock buried deep inside her, that I’m the only date she’ll ever need.

Turns out the date was Everleigh. Sorry. Not sorry.

I can’t help the smug smile at the memory of her wobbly legs when we left the barn. She had no choice but to hold onto me. She griped the whole way to her Jeep about it, but she never let go. Which gave me the opportunity to kiss her stupid before she could run away.

“Ryder, you mind swinging by the stable with me after we finish?” Paps asks, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “I want to check on Molly.”

“What’s up with Molly?”

“She’s been a little restless today. Could be nothing.”

“Could be colic. Or?—”

“Let’s hope it’s nothing,” Grams chimes in, clearing our empty plates.

Gumby stares up at me from his obedient spot at my feet. Whether he’s hoping for a handout or missing his new girlfriend is up for debate. I slip him the bread crust I saved for him anyway. He eats it slowly, his eyes locked with mine the whole time. Maybe I’m imagining it, but I swear the looking is fucking sad. Like he’s begging me to reassure him this isn’t our future. One without Macy at the ranch every day.

I reach down and scratch the top of his head, earning a weak tail thump.

“Need any help with these, Grams?” I nod to the dishes on the table.

“I got this. You boys make sure our mare is in good shape.”

I follow Paps outside to the golf cart, biting my tongue as I watch him stiffly drop into the driver’s seat. I sure as hell hope my brothers and I can figure out this animal sanctuary thing. It would hopefully mean hiring help and easing the load for my grandparents. There’s a small thread of fear that I’m wishing on an impossible star, but I refuse to let it take hold.

Gumby hops into the back, tail wagging. I reach back to scratch his head, reminded that there’s more at stake than the fate of the ranch.

“You love her,” Paps says, a smug expression on his face as he puts the golf cart into gear.

“What’s that?”

Paps shakes his head. “No sense in denying it, Ryder. You love the girl.”

I don’t argue because he’s right. It shouldn’t be possible that I’ve fallen for someone after such a short amount of time. But I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. “Where’re you going with this?”