“Are you going to give me anything? What am I looking for?”

My father stands from his chair, and I watch as he takes a step back from his desk, walking around it and over to the window. With his back to me, he clasps his hands behind him before he rocks back on his heels.

I stay quiet, knowing that if I badger him, he’ll just tell me to do my work and get the fuck out of his office.

Instead, I stay quiet as he decides how much information he wishes to give me. I know he’s choosing his words, and I may have to read between some of the lines, but when he slowly turns to face me, his eyes find mine and he dips his chin, his decision made.

“The accountant found some discrepancies. I want to know if he’s fucking around with company funds behind the family’s back.”

If the accountant found it, I’m surprised I didn’t first. This isn’t the first time there have been discrepancies, but I’m usually the one who finds them before anyone else. However, I can recognize that I’ve been a bit preoccupied recently.

Seems legit enough, though. “And you want a complete report?” I ask.

“Detailed to the gnat’s fucking ass. I want everything. Nothing is too small.”

This feels like more than just some missing money now. I don’t say that, though. I dip my chin as I place my hands on the arms of the chair I’m sitting in and push up to stand. My father doesn’t move. He stays where he is and watches me.

“Everything, Hendrick.”

“Then everything is what you’ll get,” I state with a single nod. “No matter how small.”

“You’re a good boy, Hendrick. Your reward is yours for the taking. I’ll get all the paperwork and meetings done with your Harlow. The wedding will take place in a few weeks.”

I don’t say a fucking word. Somehow, for the first time in my life, I want nothing to do with my reward. I don’t want it. I want Allison.

Pressing my lips together, I roll them a few times, then jerk my chin in a single nod. Without another word, I leave his office and decide to head straight for my brothers. If anyone will give me solid advice on what to do, it will be them.

My phone rings as soon as I pull up in Coleman’s driveway. I glance at the screen and smirk because it’s my own landline calling, which means it’s Allison.

“Hey, sunshine,” I murmur as I shift the car into Park.

“I need to go to my place and get my phone, check on some things. Would you be okay with that?”

She’s asking me for permission. Which is a far cry from the woman who always did whatever the fuck she wanted, the way she wanted it. But considering I’ve got her locked up like a prisoner in my condo, it’s not like she can just walk out the front door without me knowing about it.

“I want to say no.”

She doesn’t respond, and I wait, knowing that she without a doubt is thinking something sassy as fuck. Biting the inside of my cheek, I chuckle before I answer.

“But yeah. I’ll send you a car.”

“Thanks,” she says softly. “I appreciate that, Ace.”

“The doorman will let you know when he’s down in the lobby, and I’ll see you a dinner, yeah?”

“Yeah,” she exhales.

I end the call and text one of the corps to pick up Allison. Then I throw the car door open and unfold from the front seat. I jog up to the front door. I don’t even have to knock or ring the bell before the door swings open. My brother stands in front of me, a concerned frown etched on his face.

“You’re here,” he states.

“Need to talk to my big brother.”

Coleman grunts, then takes a step to the side to allow me to pass. I move into his quiet house. I don’t know where Claire is, but I don’t ask either. She could be anywhere, really. Not my business. I know she’s pregnant. Maybe she’s sleeping. Fuck if I know. Then I think about that.


Fuck me.