“She wants to watch me jack my cock, then she wants me to come on her. Don’t you, Doe?”

Her cheeks tint pink, and she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip and nods once. Kaia walks away, at least I assume she does because I don’t feel her presence any longer. But I can’t take my eyes off this creature in front of me.

Standing, I slip my pants down slightly and wrap my hand around my hard cock. My eyes don’t leave hers as I begin to stroke myself. Without a single word from me, I watch as she slips her own fingers between her legs.

We each stroke ourselves.

It’s fucking amazing. And I’m not even sure why.


Oh. My. God.

I cannot believe I’m sitting here, in this sex club, watching Hendrick jack himself off in front of me while I do the exact same thing for him. I’ve never done anything like this, not even when we were in bed together, and I sure as shit have never done it in public.

But there’s something to be said about wearing a mask and sitting in a dark corner. I’m anonymous, and for whatever reason, I feel as if I can be a bit wilder than usual. I’m no prude, but public nakedness is not something I’ve ever been really into.

This is different, though.

Everyone here is naked in some way, shape, or form. I would be looked at if I were fully clothed. In this teddy, I am just another person walking by. If I were dressed, they would without a doubt notice me.

Keeping my eyes focused on Hendrick’s, I can’t look away from him as I climb closer and closer toward my release. I’m right there, on the edge, and it feels big. Maybe it’s because I miss him. Maybe it’s because I’m stressed out more than I ever have been before. But it happens, and when it does, it consumes me.

It takes over my whole being, and my body trembles. My hips jerk off the bench as I come. I can’t stop myself from quaking, my entire fucking body. I don’t think I’ve ever come this hard with my own hand before in all my life.

Hendrick groans, and I know he’s close. I’m not sure why, I shouldn’t, but I do. Leaning forward, I open my mouth and extend my tongue in an offer. I watch as his eyes darken. They connect with mine, then he comes.

His cum lands on my tongue, and I wait until he’s finished before I bring it back into my mouth and swallow. He reaches out, cupping my cheek as he tilts his head to the side. I can’t believe he hasn’t realized who I am yet, but I suppose I’m somewhere he would never expect me to be, so he hasn’t really put it together.

I’m not sure if I should be offended or not. He’s here with me, but he doesn’t know it’s me, which means he’s moved on pretty fucking quickly. Even if it is with me, it’s still too quick. I can’t imagine another man touching any part of me, yet here he is, coming in some stranger’s mouth.

Hendrick’s hand falls from my face before he pulls up his pants, zipping them and buttoning the top button before he takes a step backward. I crave his touch. I want to feel his fingers on my skin, but I can’t ask him. I can’t say anything. He’ll know it’s me if I say a single word.

He dips his chin, then he turns and heads straight toward the exit. Sitting in my lingerie, his taste still on my tongue, I watch him leave, then I stand to follow him but realize I’m wearing practically nothing, and that Kaia woman has my clothes and my purse.

Looking around the room, I try to find her, but if she’s here, I can’t see her. I mean, she might be here and be completely naked and doing someone. She was more than willing to do me, Hendrick, or the both of us.

Standing, I try to keep my legs from trembling with each step I take. My pussy is still singing from the orgasm. I’m sensitive, and I could probably come again with just a soft wind blowing across my clit.

I walk toward the door and reach for the handle to tug it open. The man at the front desk turns slightly, his eyes finding mine. He dips his chin, and I stand behind the door as if he can’t see me from the video surveillance cameras that are proudly displayed on his computer screen.

He has access to every single nook and cranny of the place, and my heart slams against my chest at the thought of him watching me touch myself. But then, as my gaze flicks over the camera footage, I realize that me touching myself is the least exciting thing on that damn screen.

“Can I help you?” he asks.

“Ummm, that woman, Kaia, I think her name is,” I say, stumbling over my words.

He tilts his head to the side, watching me, waiting for me to say whatever it is that’s on my mind. Pressing my legs together, I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and nod once.

“She’s got my clothes, and I’m ready to leave.”

He dips his chin, then reaches for the phone on his belt. I watch as his thumbs glide across the screen before he clears his throat. “She’ll be right here. Go ahead and hang out over there on that sofa. She’ll meet you there.”

My cheeks heat at his mention of the sofa. I know what I did there, and since he knows that’s where I was sitting, he does, too. He did see me.

“It was hot. Don’t be embarrassed,” he murmurs.
