My father is sitting behind his desk as I walk into his office. I’m not sure what I expected, but he doesn’t look like the evil mastermind I anticipated when he called and demanded that I come here.

I sink down in the chair across from his. My head starts to hurt, my booze having worn off on the way here and a headache replacing it. My father chuckles, then picks up his phone, and I hear him order a couple of coffees.

A few silent moments later, his secretary appears with two coffees. After placing one on his desk, she hands the other to me.

“Thank you,” I say softly.

She smiles, dipping her chin but not saying a single word. I watch her go, wondering if I’ve ever heard her speak before. I don’t think I have. I’ve had full-on conversations with Coleman’s secretary, Danica. But not this woman. In fact, I don’t even think I know her name.

“I brought you here because I need to have a serious conversation with you.”


A serious conversation with just me, without my brothers. This shit cannot be good. Dipping my chin in a single nod, I lift the cup of coffee to my lips and take a drink, waiting for whatever the fuck he wants to say to me.

“It’s come to my attention that perhaps it’s time to push a marriage.”

Arching a brow, I look across at him. “How’s that?” I ask.

“Allison is becoming a problem for you. An obsession. And I believe it’s time to shift your focus.”

“Dad,” I warn.

I had not expected this so soon. Fuck me, how the hell am I going to get out of this? His eyes find mine, and he levels me with a look that clearly means I need to shut the fuck up and let him speak. It’s obvious that my opinion is not wanted here.

Lifting the coffee cup to my lips again, I distract myself and take a drink as he continues.

“Allison is Parker’s best friend. Your mom likes her, and she is welcome in my home as a guest any time. But she is not welcome in our family as your wife.”

“Because she’s not a virgin?” I ask, though I throw a bit more attitude than I should when it comes to my dad.

I’ve seen him shoot men for less.

I’m taking my life into my own hands today every time I speak, my filter being gone from drinking and lack of sleep.

“Not because she’s not a virgin. Don’t be a fuckin’ asshole,” he grinds out. “Though a virgin is your prize, it’s not a requirement to become part of this family. But that being said, a girl like that, she’s been around a bit too much. The woman who carries your baby should have some more self-respect, decorum, and grace than Allison.”

“Grace meaning fewer sexual partners?” I quip.

“If that’s how you would like to word it, then yes. So, while she doesn’t necessarily have to be a virgin, she should not have had affairs with married men and as many one-night stands at such a young age. Believe it or not, the woman who carries and births your babies matters.”

I’m not surprised by my father’s words and opinions. He has always been vocal about what type of woman to choose. Loyal and virtuous are at the top of his list, educated being third. A big third, but a third.

“I should seriously be questioning you and how you were able to find out so many personal things about Allison,” I murmur.

He smirks. “Do you think you’re the only one in this family who can do some research?” he asks.

“Do you have a list of potential brides, then?” I ask.

He jerks his chin, then reaches into a drawer in his desk and brings out a manila envelope. I watch as he slides it across the desk to me. I flick my gaze down to it, then slowly lift my eyes to meet his.

“I would never push it at your age, except these circumstances are different. If you want to keep her, that’s fine, but the last thing I need is some girl trying to trap you into marriage with a baby.”

I tilt my head to the side, my eyes focused on his. “I would like to remind you that you took out Uncle Dean for having an affair, and you’re all but encouraging me to do it, just as long as I have a legitimate wife and children.”

Dad shakes his head once. “I did not have Uncle Dean taken out because of an affair. Was it part of it? Yes. But he lied, he hid things, and then he encouraged an incestuous relationship with my own goddamn fucking son.”

Dad’s getting pissed, and I don’t blame him. That shit was wack as fuck.