Wells’s eyes widen, and he clears his throat. “Fuck, this is going to kill Parker.”


It is.

But it’s already killing me.


I watch him look at my car in the parking garage. My eyes don’t leave him as he climbs the stairs to my building and then reaches for the door. I watch as he takes the key from his pocket and opens it, then steps into my apartment. That’s when I lose sight of him. He’s in my place, and right about now, he’s realizing that I left.

Hendrick is not a stupid man. He will take one look inside my closet and know that I left voluntarily. He’ll know I’m running, and he will look for me. If anyone on this earth will be able to find me, it will be him.

I should probably turn and walk away from them, head out of town and get a head start. But I don’t. I stay where I am, hidden in the shadows as I watch my apartment building. When Wells and Coleman walk down the street, I know he’s called them.

He’s got his brothers on the case as well.

I’m frozen where I am. Frozen in place. I can’t move. I can’t even breathe. As I stare at the door, I wonder if they’re going to come out any second or if they’re going to stay in there for a while. I stare and try to breathe, but it doesn’t work.

My breaths are shallow.

My heart is racing.

They’re going to come after me, and they will find me. Henrick could find me on his own, but the three of them? I should have known. Running from these men is stupid. I don’t know for certain what they’re capable of, but I know enough.

Frozen in fear, I continue to watch the apartment. Why am I frozen in fear, though? Why am I scared? I shouldn’t be.

I love Hendrick.

But isn’t that what also has me terrified? It’s not just because of who or what Hendrick is. It’s not just because of his family. I know they’re good people, even if they’re scary.

But it’s the fact that I love him so much more than he does me. This man will probably always take care of me, but I’ll never be his priority. There will be his family, his children, his wife, and then somewhere in the background will be the secret that is me.

I don’t want to live that way, but I’m also not strong enough to turn him away from me either. If I’m there, I’m his. It’s as simple as that, and he knows it. I haven’t made access to myself difficult. When Hendrick calls, I’m more than ready to answer said call.

I’ve never been one who plays hard to get, which is probably my biggest problem. It’s why I go for men who are unavailable. They give me a look, a smile, a wink, and I’m right there. The least bit of attention, and I’m theirs. I’m also loyal to them when I know they are anything but that to me.

Hendrick will probably forget about me soon anyway. He’ll get his wife and live happily ever after. I have to keep reminding myself that I’ll be out of sight and out of mind soon enough. I shouldn’t have stayed here and watched. I’m torturing myself.

But I can’t leave.

I can’t look away.

Continuing to think about what an idiot I am while watching my building, I don’t move as I wait for them to exit. Then they do. All three brothers make their way out of the building. They’re talking to one another, and I can’t help but wonder what they could be saying.

Then they all stop, and almost as if they can sense me, they all slowly turn to face me. I swear Hendrick’s eyes meet mine and then his lips twitch into a smirk before he jerks his chin and turns toward Wells.

A few moments later, they separate and jump into their vehicles. I think about grabbing an Uber to follow Hendrick but decide against it. I need to sit down and figure out my life. I’ve only been gone for a few days, and I’m wondering if I made the completely wrong decision.

I’m thinking that I might have.

Moving down the street, I walk toward a small diner where I know the food is cheap but amazing. A true greasy spoon. There is a table in the back, so I slip into a booth and stare at the scratched tabletop in front of me.

The waitress appears, placing a sticky plastic menu in front of me with a stereotypical pop of her gum.

“Coffee?” she asks.

“Water, please,” I mutter.