Page 44 of First Sight

I feel her smile, “And, what makes you think that I wouldn’t let you?” She asks, the tension from earlier evaporated, replaced with playfulness.

“You hold all the power here, baby. I’m at your mercy,” I tease her, but it’s not a lie, she holds all the cards. I’ll do anything for her, give her the world, but only if she wants me to.

She ponders what I said, not responding right away. Finally, she props herself up on her elbow, resting her chin on my chest so she can look at me. “I told you already, I’m yours. You can have me any way you please.”

She kisses my chest lightly as if her admission didn’t just knock the air from my lungs. Calling herself mine in the heat of the moment is one thing, but telling me now like she means it, fuck, that’s like music to my damn ears. I study her eyes, looking for any signs that she’s joking, that she’s just being playful. Instead, her beautiful hazel eyes stare unwavering into mine, burning her words into my soul. I don’t deserve to feel this fucking happy, and I definitely don’t deserve this gorgeous woman. But, I kiss her anyway, sealing a promise that I’m not ready to admit out loud, that I’ll follow her to the end of the Earth if she’ll have me.

Having the newfound motivation to get shit taken care of for Callie’s sake, and before I can put off the inevitable anymore, I peel myself away from her and the bed to throw on some jeans and a shirt, giving her a final kiss before I head to the kitchen. I google the number I think I’ll need and start some coffee while I wait to be transferred to a State Patrol Officer.

Finally, after waiting for five minutes, the line picks up and Trooper Malec introduces himself, asking who I am and what the call is regarding. I give him the cliff notes version of events, highlighting that the two attackers are somehow related to the town’s Sheriff, and wondering what we need to do moving forward. Trooper Malec remains relatively silent, repeating a couple of things back to me as if he is taking notes. After I finish talking, he starts his follow-up.

“So, the girl from the attack is safe with you now. Staying with you?” He asks, his tone giving nothing away.


“How sure are you that the individuals she identified in the photo are the same ones from the attack?” Again, his tone remains calm and even. Not giving me a clue to his take on all of this.

“She’s 100% sure.”

“And, what about you?”

“95% sure,” I reply honestly.

“Why the minus 5%?” He asks, sounding genuinely curious.

“I believe her, but I didn’t see the photo myself, and when I saw the two men back in the clearing it was through my scope at 100 yards. Statistically speaking, I can’t be 100%,” I clear my throat, hoping I didn’t just fuck up this whole conversation. I hear the trooper writing notes in the background before he asks to put me on a brief hold. I hit the mute button and let out a heavy sigh, wiping my hand across my face to relieve some tension.

When I open my eyes, Callie is standing there. Her eyes are downcast, “It was them.”


“I know baby, I believe you, I promise.” She nods her head at me without saying anything else, grabbing her phone from the wall charger.

“I need to call my mom.” She walks back down the hallway to my room, not giving me a second glance. Fuck. I don’t want her to think I don’t believe her, she never needs to worry about that, not from me. I silently beg for this cop to finish talking to me so I can go to Callie.

Trooper Malec chimes back in. “So,” he sighs. Shit. “I understand and I hear your concerns regarding local law enforcement, but I am running into the issue that it’s going to be your word versus his. I would advise you to continue documenting anything that seems suspicious or threatening from Sheriff Donahue, but in the meantime, I am going to have to contact him. My sergeant needs me to get his side of the story before my agency can look into the crime further. If there is evidence that he is covering up any involvement, or the involvement of others, the State Patrol will step in and take over.”

The officer goes on for another couple of minutes, taking all of my information, and asking for Callie’s information. Of course, I could only give him her last name and her home state, still not knowing her phone number or anything. He tells me not to worry about it, I can call back this afternoon and it will give him a chance to look into it.

I finally hang up with him and it hits me how much I don’t know about Callie. We’ve talked nonstop for days now, yet I still don’t know basic things. I don’t even have her number in my phone. These last couple of days have been a whirlwind.

I go to check on her, listening against the door for signs that she’s still on the phone. Hearing nothing but silence, I push the door open and glance inside. She’s sitting in the center of the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest, her face tucked in so I can’t see it, looking small and so fragile.

Gone is the confident, sexy woman from this morning who knows and takes exactly what she wants. In her place is the shell of a person who was left behind once reality came rushing in.

Chapter Thirty-Three


“Callie?” I hear my name called out, softly. I know it’s Nathan, but I have no power to lift my head to acknowledge him. I feel the bed dip, as he sits down next to me. “Callie?” He says my name as a question like he isn’t sure what else to say. I lift my head, resting it on my knees, and look at him. The sun is shining in from the windows, surrounding his silhouette with a halo of light, making him look like every bit of the savior I know him to be. I still don’t know what I did to deserve it. To deserve him.

“I told my mom the truth about what happened to me. It broke her heart,” I admit to him, picking at the bed sheets, making little peaks with the thin fabric.

“Like it was her fault that she didn’t protect me.” I roll my eyes at the absurdity. “She meant no harm, but I still feel guilty for making her cry.”

Nathan’s hand covers mine, stilling my nervous movements. “She cares about you, she’s probably just worried to death.”

“I know.” I sniffle, trying to hold back my tears. “She wants me to come home.”