He pulls out his own food, bacon cheeseburger with fries and onion rings. We talk and eat our food, reminiscing on our past year together.

The pond is still, with some wildflowers and long grass running along the perimeter. The water is starting to turn pink and red, matching the sky above it. The park is empty enough that no one bothers us. There is a walking trail but it isseveral yards away and only a few people walk by.

“This is a dream,” I say, moving to sit between his legs, leaning back. He holdsmy back to his chest, his arms wrap around me and he presses his lips against my hair.

“Thank you,” He starts. “Thank you for giving me a chance a year ago. For inviting me inside and for choosing me every day since then. You saved my life, Mads. Truly. I love you so much.”

I turn in his arms to face him. “I love you, Elliot. More than I ever thought I could love someone. Thank you for the best year of my life.” I lean in to kiss him. Then I feel water on my face.

I open my eyes to look at his face, but he looks confused also. I sit up just as the heavens open up and a torrential downpour begins.“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Elliot yells at the sky. “It wasn’t supposed to rain tonight!”

I laugh and lean in to kiss him again. He turns us, pushing me down on my back and keeps kissing me. “Well, I’m sure we’ll laugh about this one day.”

“I’m laughing now! This is amazing! I’ve always wanted to be kissed in the rain, this is my Notebook dream moment coming true!” He laughs and kisses me again.

BOOM! The loudest thunder clap I’ve ever heard has me screaming way louder than I need to and Elliot curses.

“Screw it. Go get in the truck, baby! I’ll grab everything.” He gets to his feet and grabsmy hands to lift me up. But I help him gather everything and then we run like crazy people back to his truck. We throw everything in the back and fly into our seats. Once we close our doors, we sit facing forward for a few minutes before we both turn to look at each other…and we break out laughing. His hair is plastered to his face and head, his shirt so wet that it clings to his chest underneath. I openmy mirror above me to see the damage and it does not disappoint.

My hair had been half up and curled but now it is soaking wet and stuck to my face. My mascara is dripping down my face. I look like a scary raccoon. My sweater is dripping water and my jeans…they are going to be fun to remove.

I laugh again, accepting it.

“Beautiful,” He says and I turn to face him. He looks at me with the most beautiful tenderness and love he saves only for me. I shake my head at him in disbelief and throw my head against the headrest in defeat. I sigh, before turning my head to stare at him. The way he looks at me makes me feel invincible. Beautiful.

“Come here,” He says, his eyes heavy with longing. I lean in and he takes my face in his hands and kisses me. We are both soaking wet and uncomfortable, but I feel the hunger in his kiss, and I know he feels mine. I use him as an anchor to pull myself to him, trying to climb onto his lap. He slides across the bench until he is almost in my seat, picking me up and dropping me back on his lap.

It is difficult and awkward, but hysterical. We keep stopping to laugh; at my jeans not coming off my legs, his boot getting stuck on his foot, me accidentally elbowing him in the gut while I try to take my sweater off, at the ridiculousness of our situation. But even though it may not have been our best or smoothest attempt, we make love right there in his truck, in this park, while the storm ragesaround us outside.

It is perfect.

It is one of my favorite memories ever.



Mads has her first real day back to work today. Not only did she pass her recertification exam, she was cleared by all her doctors and the school board. She is giddy while we eat breakfast. I make her a veggie omelet, and a plain cheese one for myself. Not long after we finish, she is standing by the front door checking and rechecking her bags.

“You have everything, don’t worry,” I reassure her.

“I know, I know,” She sighs, while still rummaging through one of her bags packed with binders and notebooks. “I just want everything to go perfect. I’m so excited.”

I smile at her. “It will be. I know it.” She smiles back at me.

“Okay,” She says as I lean down to grab two of her three bags to help her carrythem to the car. “I’m off.”

“Don’t overdo it with your arm and if you get dizzy from standing or walking too much, take a break,” I say worriedly.

“I know, I know,” She says again with a sigh. “Don’t worry about me, please,” She says as she follows me out the door into the cold and white January morning.

It has snowed several times already this month and we are only two weeks into the New Year. I put her bags in the passenger seat and walk around to open the driver's side door for her.

“Okay! First day of school!” She says with a big smile. My heart lifts at the sight.

“You’re gonna crush it,” I smile back at her. She looks at me for a moment before reaching up on her tippy toes to give me a small kiss goodbye.

We’ve kissed a few times since that night on the couch, but nothing more than that. It is more than enough for me. The past few nights she has slept in our bed with me and I truly feel whole again.