Everyone deserves to feel loved like this.

I sigh and he rolls me in his arms to face him. I place my hands on his chest and sigh again. I smile at him, and he smiles at me but I can see the worry and nervousness in his eyes.

“Are you okay? Do you feel okay?” He asks anxiously, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

I take a deep and dramatic breath. “I feel…amazing.” I smile and he relaxes, smiling back. He leans in to kiss me.

“You sure?” He whispers, our faces only an inch apart.

“My heart feels like it’s floating.” I blush, still smiling.

“I love you.” He beams, giving me a quick kiss. “That was the greatest night of my whole life.”

“Really?” I ask with a grin.

“One million percent.” He sighs as he rolls us so he can lay on his back, pulling me against his chest. “I don’t think I’ll ever recover from this,” He says quietly. I tilt my head up to look in his eyes. He smiles down at me. I giggle and run my fingers up and down his chest. I place my hand over his heart and feel it beating fast. I replace my hand with my ear, listening to the beating of his heart as he runs his fingers through my hair.

“You’re so beautiful,” He says quietly. I smile against his skin, kiss his chest, and then prop myself up on my arms against him so I can look into his eyes. The spark in his eyes makes my chest warm with happiness.

“You’re pretty beautiful, yourself.” I grin before I lean down to kiss him. He kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

We must have been in our own little world because I don’t hear the front door open, but we both hear Ana open my door.

“Pollito, did you see where…” She stops when she sees us. Her jaw drops as I drop myself down next to him and pull the covers up to my neck. Elliot still has one arm wrapped around me under the covers, but he covers his face with his other hand.

“Do you EVER knock, Ana?!” I yell, poking my head out from under the covers.

Her mouth is wide open but also smiling. “Did you…”

“Ana! Go away!” I gasp.

“YOU DID! You dirty little dogs! Madeline! You did it! And you didn’t even tell me?!” She screams in glee. I groan and roll slightly to drop my forehead against Elliot’s shoulder.

“I’m going to actually murder you if you don’t leave right now,” I threaten, my voice muffled by Elliot’s shoulder. Elliot chuckles, still hiding behind his hand.

“I’ll leave…but I want every single detail…every…single…one—”

“OUT!” I pull away from Elliot to yell. She snickers and pulls the door closed behind her. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry…she has lost her mind for real now…” I turn my forehead against his shoulder again and groan.

“Are you okay?” He asks and I can hear the smile in his voice. I lift my head to look at him, snuggling against his side, draping my arm across his chest. He grabs my hand and draws a heart on my wrist before kissing the same spot.

I sigh. “Yeah…I’m used to her crazy by now.” He laughs.

“Can I make you breakfast?” He asks, before leaning in to kiss me.

“Yes, please,” I reply with a smile. He kisses my nose before untangling our bodies and climbing out of bed. I whistle at the sight of him.

He snickers and shakes his head. “Your turn,” He jokes, motioning for me to get up as he pulls a pair of sweatpants on.

“No!” I gasp jokingly and pull the covers over my head again. He laughs as he climbs back onto the bed. He crawls over the covers until he is on all fours over me. “Everything is different in the light of day,” I say from under the covers. He gently pulls them down so he can see my face.

“You’re perfect at night. You’re perfect during the day. Trust me,” He says in a low voice and kisses me again. I sigh into his mouth and kiss him back, pulling my arms out to wrap around him.



I am a little confused to feel warmth pressing into me as I wake up. It takes a moment to remember where I am…and when in my life I am. Nightmare. I had a nightmare. Mads came in to see if I was okay.