“I like that one,” He jokes and lays across my bed.

“Hm, I need to up my game,” I say thoughtfully before returning back to the dresses in my hand. “Okay, which one says, ‘Hello, Elliot’s grandmother, I’m crazy about your grandson and I really want you to like me’?”

He chuckles. “Anything you wear will say that.”

“I want to make a good first impression! She’s never met any of your romantic partners before!” He rolls his eyes at me before tucking one of my pillows under his head.

“I promise you, you’re going to make a good impression,” He encourages me as he picks up my stuffed plush avocado and turns it in his hands.

“I didn’t make a good first impression on you though,” I argue, raising my eyebrows at him as I turn away to look in my closet.

“You made a good enough impression on me that I fell in love with you instantly,” He says.

I freeze. I stop breathing and moving. I slowly turn to face him, and he is frozen with his eyes wide on me. His hands squeeze the life out of my avocado. “What did you say?” I ask quietly.

“Sh-crap…I didn’t mean…I’m sorry…” He stutters while remaining frozen, eyes wide in fear and nervousness.

“You love me?” I whisper.

He stares at me for a few seconds before saying, “Yes.” My mouth is gaping and I don’t think my eyes can get any wider. He covers his eyes with his hands. “I didn’t, I didn’t mean to…say it like that…you don’t…you don’t have to say anything…”

I drop the dresses I am holding and jump on the bed to straddle him. His hands move from his face in shock as he looks up at me. I cup his face in my hands and whisper, “You mean it?”

“Of course, I mean it,” He breathes. I let out a very unattractive girlish shriek and crush my lips to his. I feel his heart racing as he wraps his arms around me instantly.

“What the hell was that sound?” Ana asks as she pokes her head in. “Oh gosh…the door is open you two…”

“Elliot loves me,” I proclaim as I sit up but still stay on top of him. I turn to smile at Ana.

“Well, I could have told you that,” Ana mutters under her breath and turns to walk away. I look back down at Elliot. He looks equal parts amused and terrified.

“Say it again,” I beg as I stroke his face with my thumbs. His hands rub at my thighs.

He looks at me deeply, and with seriousness and adoration on his face, says, “I love you, Madeline Hart.”

I sigh dramatically. “I love you, Elliot Decker.” He smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen him make. “I’ve been holding that in for a month now.”

He laughs. “I’ve been holding it in for almost four years,” He whispers, reaching up to my face and pulling me to him. He kisses me so sweetly that I melt against him. In one swift and impressive move, he flips us so that he is on top of me. I smile against his mouth and continue to kiss him.

“I’ve never been so happy in my life,” He says against my lips. I grin in agreement.

We kiss for a few more moments, both of us in a state of perpetual bliss before I say, “We should go before we’re too late for dinner.”

He groans. “You’re right.” He pulls back before coming back to kiss my nose. “I could kiss you forever.”

“You’re going to kiss me forever, you know why?” I ask.

“Why?” He smiles.

“Because we’re in love,” I declare.

“Damn right, we are,” He says with a smile before leaning in to kiss me again. I oblige him for a few more minutes before I push him away and he sighs before rolling off of me dramatically.

“To be continued,” I promise with a smirk. He raises his eyebrows and smirks back.

I finish packing and choose my copper colored long sleeved dress, with tights and boots. Dressy but still casual. I change in the bathroom and grab my toiletries before heading back into my room. Elliot is leaning against my headboard on his phone. He looks up as I walk back in and raises his eyebrows as he takes in my outfit.

“Do I look okay?” I ask, fidgeting with my long hair which I left wavy today.