“Me too, baby. Me too.”

Mads tells me to dress up for what she has planned.She has been secretive all week. When she was home, she was constantly on the phone with Ana or her parents. I was a little nervous at first but I trust her and just keep my mouth shut, hoping whatever she is planning won’t be too painful. I tried guessing a few times, but she wouldn’t entertain my guesses at all.

So when Saturday comes, I put on my gray suit with a white button up. She left last night with Ana. David is picking me up in a few minutes to drive me somewhere…hopefully somewhere Mads is.I try to style my unruly hair, but it is never dependable in that way.

I hear a knock on the door and take it as my cue to head downstairs. David iswaiting at the door, wearing a simple suit but smiling wide. “So, are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask, grabbing my keys and wallet before stepping outside.

“Nope,” He answers simply. “I’m not going to risk the wrath of your wife.”

“That’s smart.” I sigh in defeat.

We make comfortable small talk on our way to wherever we are going. It always amazes me when I take a step back to realize how far I’ve come in my life with something as simple as talking to people. What I do for a living requires constant communication with co-workers, clients and people that I see every day.

If someone were to tell me ten years ago that I would be where I am, I would have scoffed. I wouldn’t have believed them.It’s all because of Madeline. She saw the good in me when I never saw it in myself. She saw that worth, that goodness, and light that I could never see. That my parents couldn’t completely break, because I was waiting for her and her love the whole time.

We start getting closer and closer to Penbrooke which makes me more confused. I shoot a side-eye glance at David; he gives me nothing but a knowing smirk.

My confusion is at an all time high when he pulls into the small parking lot of the place where Madeline and I got married. It is a beautiful park not far from her parents’ home. It has several walking paths, ponds, and huge gardens.David parks and gets out of the car. I follow his lead, still not sure what ishappening. He leads the way down the familiar stone path, past the willow trees and over the stone bridge atop the pond towards the field next to the wildflowers.

Standing there in a familiar formation is Ana, Mads’ parents, and…my heart stops.

Mads. In a white dress, lightly blowing in the breeze. It is her wedding dress. She is clutching a bouquet of those little blue flowers. Forget-me-nots.

My breathing hitches as I bring my hand to my mouth in disbelief. I make my way closer and closer. I wipe my eyes as the tears start to flow. I don’t see anyone but her as I make my way towards her, stopping just inches away.

“Hi,” She smiles.

“Hi,” I say, smiling too.

“Will you marry me again, Elliot Decker?” She looks up at me with those gorgeous green eyes, brighter than normal due to the tears that fill them. I close mine and lean my forehead against hers.

“I’ll marry you a million times, Madeline Hart.” I hold her face in my hands and kiss her forehead.She grabs my hands in hers and brings me to stand in front of Ana. I give her a questioning look.

“I got ordained online a few days ago,” Ana states. I look at her incredulously and shake my head. “Not that you really need an ordained minister since you’re already married, but Maddie wanted to be thorough.” She rolls her eyes playfully and Mads smiles. Mads’ parents are smiling, and her mom is crying softly.

“I didn’t want a stranger to do this for us,” Mads explains with a smile. I nod, understanding completely. Mads and I look at each other before we turn to face Ana.

“Welcome again, family and friends of Elliot and Madeline Decker,” Ana begins. We both smirk at her. She opens a small notebook and begins to read from it. “I wrote everything down so that I wouldn’t forget or get lost when I start crying,” She says and we all chuckle. “Many people believe that marriage is the final step in one’s relationship. We meet our soulmate, we date, we marry, and we live happily ever after. But marriage isn’t the final step; it’s only the beginning of a new chapter and adventure. Maddie and Elliot, you are no strangers to marriage and commitment. You’ve been committed to each other for almost eight years now. But your relationship was put to the ultimate test last fall.” I squeeze Mads’ hands. “Marriage takes work and effort. There are happy moments and mountain top experiences, but there are also challenges when you go through the valleys. It’s easy to love each other during the good moments, but the real test of love and commitment comes when you walk through the fire together. You both walked through fire, and you came out stronger than ever. Your relationship is a testament to doing the work that needs to be done to love each other through the good and the bad.” Ana’s voice is strong but there are tears falling down her face.

I stare at Mads the whole time, in disbelief that I am blessed enough to have her and keep her.

“Maddie asked for the two of you to share vows to each other,” Ana says, nodding to Mads in acknowledgement. She looks down, before looking up at me through her lashes. She takes a deep breath.

“Elliot. I remember,” She starts and I furrow my eyebrows. “I remember everything,” She says softly. My mouth parts in shock, disbelief, hope. She nods, smiling at me. “All week, my memories have been flooding back to me. It was overwhelming at first, but it feels like I’m finally whole again.” Her voice breaks. “I remember that ridiculously crazy day in the gas station that changed everything. I remember when you stayed the first time. I remember every hug and every kiss. I remember every ‘I love you’ including the accidental first one, and I remember you being there for every single milestone in my life.”

I laugh in disbelief. I wipe my eyes before clasping her hands in mine again.

“Thank you for loving me enough to piece me back together. Thank you for loving me so much that you constantly put my needs before your own,” She continues, eyes watering and voice wavering, but still sure and steady. “You are the greatest man I’ve ever known. You are selfless and kind. You are loving and compassionate. You love fiercely and tenderly. I’m so thankful that you’re mine. I am so lucky to be able to love you. I promise to love you forever, the way you deserve to be loved. We’ve been through hell together and no matter what else we’ll face, I believe that our love is strong enough to always find its way back to each other.”

I can’t hold my tears back anymore as I look into her eyes and feel her words in the deepest parts of my soul. I let go of her hands to cradle her face in mine. Her perfect and beautiful face.

“Madeline Hart.” She smiles at her maiden name. “My heart. The love of my life. You saved my life. You saved it eight years ago, and you continue to save it every day by loving me the way that you do.” The words flow from me without a second thought. What used to be agonizingly difficult comes so easy now because of this woman. “A life without you is not worth living. I’m a better man because of you and because you love me. I never thought that I would have a future, or at least a future with love and joy. I never thought I would have a place to call home. Because home to me, Mads, was a dream,” I watch a new wave of tears form in her eyes as I reference our favorite song, “one I thought that I would never see…‘til you came along, Madeline Hart.” I watch the tears fall slowly and gracefully down her beautiful face. “You are my home. You are my heart. I will never stop fighting for you and choosing you every day, no matter what happens and no matter what paths we face. We’ll face it together. We’re too involved now.” I smile at her and she laughs, leaning her face into my hands. Her hands graspmy forearms.

“Ana, I need to kiss my wife,” I say seriously and earnestly. Everyone chuckles.

“Alright, alright.” Ana swats her hands towards me in dismissal, she looks down at her notebook again. “May these vows of renewal you make today, despite the fires to come, despite the stress and struggles you will face in this life, may these vows remind you of your love for each other, your respect, your trust and your commitment to one another, for all the days to come. Elliot, please kiss your bride, again.” Ana smiles and our few loved ones clap and cheer, but I only haveeyes and ears for Mads as I bring her face closer to mine and kiss her tenderly and lovingly, the way she always deserves to be kissed.

“I love you,” She whispers when we finally break away.