“The paramedic checked me out, they said I was fine,” I snap, turning away from him as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

“I’m not…trying to be mean or…condescending. I’m just…worried about you.” He stumbles over his words a little bit and his voice is still strained. I look at him and I see the softness in his eyes again. He looks genuinely concerned.

At those words and the look in his eyes, I feel tiny tingles erupt from my chest. There might even be a few teeny tiny butterflies in my gut. I look at him for a few moments before I finally answer, “Yeah. Maybe I’m in a little bit of shock.”

He nodded his head in an understanding way. “I’m…sure that’s completely normal.”

I give him a small smile, “Can I get you an Uber or something?” He shakes his head and continues to stare at me. I stare back.

I finally break our eye contact and look out my window. A few yards away, on the bench outside my building, is Lucas. He is staring directly into the car with his eyebrows pulled down in a serious expression I’ve never seen him use before. Though it is almost dark outside now and he is a little ways away, he looks seriously angry.

CRAP. I forgot about our date! “Oh shoot. Decker, I’m sorry. I have to go.” I frantically try to get out of the car. Decker sees Lucas and makes a grunt that sounds like frustration.

We both get out of the car. I can only imagine how suspicious this looks. The guy I told Lucas I had no feelings for whatsoever just this morning is in my car with me and driving me home after dark, all while I stood him up for dinner. After Decker gives me my keys, I start to walk towards him as Decker stays behind by my car.

“Lucas, I’m so sorry!” I say as I jog over to him.

He stands up from the bench and waits for me to get to him. When I finally reach him, I am a little out of breath and I realize I should really workout more. And when I say ‘more’ I really mean that I should start.

“Everything okay?” He asks curtly.

“Uhm, not really. It’s an insanely crazy story, honestly. But this is not what it looks like. Please just come inside and I’ll explain everything,” I plead, grabbing his hands trying to convince him.

He looks past me with a hard expression towards where I assume Decker still stands. Why is he still here? He finally looks back at me and nods. I lead him to the door, but glance back towards where Decker stands. His hands are stuffed into the pockets of his sweatshirt. His posture is rigid and serious. His expression is no longer soft. I feel the daggers he is throwing with his eyes. I lift my hand to wave at him and smile again. He keeps his eyes on me for a few more seconds before he turns around and starts walking towards the street.

I sigh, feeling my heart slump slightly in my chest. Back to normal it seems.

It takes a few tries to explain to Lucas and Ana what happened. I feel like I am talking in circles and keep forgetting important parts. He is quiet and patient throughout the whole story though. Ana is home so it is comforting to have her here as well. She sits next to me with her arm around me reassuringly, helping me as I try to explain everything. Once I get the whole story out, Lucas’ hard expression eases considerably.

“Wow. That’s…unbelievable,” He says. “Are you sure you’re okay? You didn’t need to go to the police station to answer questions?”

“No, they talked to me there. I gave my statement and they said they have my number, and they’ll call if they need anything.” I take a sip of the coffee that Ana made me.

“Ay Dios mío, Maddie. That’s freaking insane. I’m so glad you’re okay,” Ana says as she hugs me tight.

“Yeah. I’m truly thankful that guy was there to help you,” Lucas says with a soft smile wiping his hand across his face. He lets out a harsh breath and I feel the tension behind his words. My chest tightens at the thought of Elliot.

“Yeah. I didn’t even realize he was there until he walked in front of me,” I say, slightly dazed. I take another sip of my tea.

“Brave,” Lucas says as he looks away. I watch him nervously, hating that this is planting more doubt in his mind.

“I swear, I didn’t know he was there. He insisted on driving me home to make sure I was okay.”

“I understand. And I believe you. I’m glad he took care of you.” Lucas looks back at me. Those words clench at something deep in my heart that I don’t know how to identify. “You don’t have to explain anything.”

I smile at him, ignoring the consuming and chaotic emotions I am feeling inside. Ana looks at me with suspicion in her narrowed eyes. I roll my eyes at her and telepathically tell her to shut up.

“Well, you should really get some rest. Can I bring you food or anything?” Lucas asks.

“No, I have no appetite right now. But thank you.” I try to stand up to say goodbye, but he gently eases me back down, giving me a small kiss before seeing himself out our front door.

Ana locks the door behind him, both of us quiet for a few minutes before she finally speaks. “So.”

“So?” I narrow my eyes at her.

“Thank God, Elliot Decker was there,” She says seriously. But I know her and her beautiful face too well, and she definitely has a hidden expression behind her straight countenance. I decide to ignore it, too tired to deal with her nonsense.

“Yeah. He might have saved my life,” I say honestly. “He was really nice afterwards, Ana, so un-Decker-like.”