Page 94 of A Touch of Chaos

“Tomorrow, Persephone,” he gritted out.

“No, not tomorrow,” she said. “Fuck!”

She waded through the water to the steps, leaving the pool.

Hades turned to follow. He would beg. He wasn’t above it. “Persephone—”

She paused at the top of the steps, her body glistening in the low light of the bath.

“Harmonia isn’t healing either,” Persephone said, her voice trembling. “She’s not waking up, Hades.”

Suddenly he understood. She thought that would be his fate too.

He got out of the pool. “What do you mean Harmonia isn’t waking up?”

Persephone reached for a towel and wrapped it around herself as she faced Hades. “Theseus stabbed her, and the wound isn’t healing. She’s had a fever for days.”

Hades frowned at the news. It sounded like Harmonia had fallen victim to Cronos’s scythe too.

Persephone pushed past him, and he followed her down the hall toward their chamber.

“I did not hide this from you,” Hades said. “I forgot.”

She paused and turned to glare at him.

Like the idiot you are, he heard Hecate’s voice in his head.

“Are you serious?”

“I had other things on my mind, Persephone. That tends to numb pain.”

“So you’re in pain?”

He gave a frustrated sigh. “Yes, for fuck’s sake. I wasstabbed.”

She whirled and continued to their room.

“I can’t believe you kept this from me just so you could have sex!”

He didn’t see the problem. It wasn’t his dick that was injured.

“We,” he said. “Sowecould have sex. Don’t make this one-sided. You were just as eager until you found out I was injured.”

“Because you’re hurt!” she shouted back.

“I feel—”

She whirled on him. He felt her anger like a physical slap to the face.

“If you say you feel fineone more time,” she threatened through clenched teeth. She didn’t need to finish that sentence. He felt like he could see his life flash before him because everything she wanted to do to him was reflected in her eyes, and unsurprisingly, none of it was sexual.

When they made it to their room, she flung the door open and called for Hecate.

Hades rolled his eyes.

Great. Now he was about to be lectured bybothof them.

He summoned a towel, not particularly eager for Hecate to see his raging erection or the amusement that would light her eyes when she found out why they were fighting.