She pulled away. “Don’t say that.”
He shrugged. “Call it self-awareness,” he said. “I’m a needy motherfucker.”
She laughed, and Apollo smiled, then he turned his head, nodding in the direction of the throne room.
Persephone looked, and it felt like her heart had stopped and all the air had been sucked from her lungs.
Through the open doors, she could see Hades on the dais before his throne, his eyes burning brightly, the deep sapphire blue of his Divine form. His hair was down, falling thickly past his shoulders, and his horns were on display, making him look even larger. Beside him stood Hermes, who was dressed in a gold himation, the fabric moving almost like water. He was also in his Divine form, his white wings spread wide.
Cerberus, Typhon, and Orthrus waited too, no longer in their monstrous form. They sat stoically on Hades’s right, though Persephone could see Orthrus’s body wiggling. It was taking everything in his power to remain where he was.
“Hecate,” Persephone asked. “What is this?”
“Your coronation,” the goddess said. “You are Queen of the Underworld, but you have not been crowned.”
Persephone’s lips parted in surprise, and she met Hades’s gaze again.
Hecate tugged on her arm, guiding her forward. Yuri, Lexa, and Apollo followed behind her. She looked at Hecate, confused.
“They’re your handmaidens,” said the goddess. “It’s tradition.”
Persephone felt like she was in a daze as she made her way into the packed throne room, her eyes neverleaving Hades’s. She had never felt so nervous. It was like marrying Hades all over again, except that this time, she was basically marrying his entire realm.
Hecate led her right to the bottom of the steps.
“Your Highness,” she said, nodding to Hades. Then she turned to Persephone. “I love you, my dear.”
Persephone’s mouth quivered. “I love you too,” she whispered.
The goddess smiled before leaving her side, making her way up the steps to stand on the other side of her ivory throne.
Persephone’s gaze slid to Hades.
“My darling,” he said, his voice quiet but warm.
“My love,” she replied.
“Sephy,” said Hermes.
Hades glared at the god, but Persephone laughed.
“Bestie,” she said.
Hermes grinned. “See, Hades, we’re besties.”
“Curse, Hermes!” Hecate snapped.
“Fine,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest, pouting.
There was a beat of silence as Persephone’s attention returned to Hades, though it had never truly left. She was always aware of him, even when she wasn’t looking at him. She could feel him, an anchor to this world.
“Darling,” he tried again. “I have chosen you as my wife and queen. Do you accept—”
“Yes,” she said.
Everyone laughed, including Hades, his eyes glinting. “Ever eager.”
She felt the rasp of his voice in the bottom of herstomach. There was a pause, and this time when he spoke, she did not interrupt.