Page 205 of A Touch of Chaos

Prometheus was the creator of man, and he had sacrificed a lot to see them thrive—namely his quality of life.

“I hope you aren’t wrong,” said Ares.

“I am never wrong, Ares,” she said.

“Hmm, debatable,” Hermes said.

Hecate elbowed him in the ribs.

“Ouch!” he cried. “Motherfucker!”

With their plans set, the gods dispersed. Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and Ares left to arm the mortals who had agreed to fight tomorrow. Hades had hoped Persephone would stay behind so they could talk about his decision to surrender to Theseus, but she left his office with Hermes in tow.

He knew she was upset but also scared. With Cronos’s reality fresh on her mind, all she could think about was the possibility of his death, and he could not blame her. It was the same for him.

“Are you well, Hades?” Hecate asked.

She had yet to return to her duties—whatever they were. Harvesting organs, apparently.

He took a breath and then stood. “I think I need fresh air,” he said.

“I will join you,” she said.

Together they made their way to the floor of Nevernight and stepped just outside the entrance.

Hades stared up at the sky.

“I have never known you to stargaze,” said Hecate.

“I am not,” said Hades. “I am looking at what isn’t there. The ophiotaurus has not returned to the sky.”

Hecate looked. “Hmm. You are right. Pity.”

Hades’s gaze fell to her. “I know that voice.”

“Of course you do,” she said. “It is mine.”

“I mean, I can tell you are disappointed,” he said. “What did I do? What did I miss?”

“I am not disappointed,” she said. “But your creativity is lacking.”

“I admit I am only creative in one area of my life,” he said.

She snorted. “That is because nothing else interests you.”

“You are not wrong.”

“Tell me the prophecy, Hades.”

He had thought of it so often over the last month, he knew it by heart.

“If a person slays the ophiotaurus and burns its entrails, then victory is assured against the gods.”

“Victory,” she said. “What is victory, Hades?”

“Victory is winning,” he said.

“Very good,” she said, and though Hades glared, she continued. “And what can you win?”