Page 126 of A Touch of Chaos

“I did,” he said. “But at least mine is not unfounded.”

He had killed the ophiotaurus and eaten the goldenapple. He was now destined to overthrow the gods, and he was invincible.

“Well?” Hypnos snapped. “What now?”

Theseus summoned the net with his magic and laid it on Zeus as if it were a blanket, covering his entire body. It was so finely made and so light, it was hard to believe the mesh could restrain a god.

“He will hang in the sky as he hung me,” said Hera. “Let the Olympians bear witness to his shame.”

For a brief moment, Theseus wondered why he hadn’t considered trapping her and Zeus. He was under no grand illusion. He knew the goddess had only allied with him in the hope of overthrowing Zeus and taking the throne for herself.

What she failed to understand was that the future of the world did not include Olympians.

“Only Olympians?” Theseus questioned.

Hera stiffened. “The mortal public cannot know. They will question our power.”

“They already question your power,” said Theseus. “And now they will know you can be defeated.”

Hera’s mouth tightened, but Theseus held her gaze.

“The lightning bolt, Hera,” Theseus said. “Bring it.”

She did not move.

As he stared at her, four of his men entered the study, all demigods of varying parentage. Two dragged Zeus away, and two dragged Hypnos forward.

“Release me!” Hypnos snapped, struggling in their grasp, but Damian and Sandros, the sons of Thetis and Zeus, maintained their hold.

The god glared at Theseus.

“What are you going to do?” he asked.

“Use you,” said Theseus as a blade materialized in his hand. He jabbed it into the god’s neck. Blood gushed from the wound, bathing Theseus in a spray of crimson. Hypnos’s eyes went wide, and he gave a few gurgling breaths as he fell to his knees, his white wings spread wide before he tipped forward and landed on his front.

He did not move again.

Theseus looked at Hera.

The goddess had yet to witness the effects of the Hydra’s venom or the power of his weapons firsthand.

He was satisfied with the fear in her expression.

“The lightning bolt, Hera,” he said again.

This time, she did not hesitate.



Dionysus woke many hours later to Ariadne in his arms, and he immediately stiffened.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t just his dick that was surprised, but his brain too.

He’d expected her to be gone by morning, even though she’d asked to stay a little longer last night. He’d told himself not to get too excited about that request, just like he’d decided he didn’t care about her reasons for wanting to have sex with him. She’d been through some pretty traumatic things in the last twenty-four hours. Fuck, her whole life was a tragedy.

She was just seeking comfort.