Page 109 of A Touch of Chaos

“My face, Hermes,” Hades said. “She was riding my face.”

“Oh my gods,” Persephone whispered.

Hermes’s shoulders dropped in disappointment. “Well, that’s not very creative.”

Maybe not, but it was the first time with Persephone in far too long, and it had felt fucking great, even as the wound on Hades’s side continued to weep blood.

“Might I suggest—” Hermes began.

“No.” Hades and Persephone spoke in unison.

“You don’t even know what I was going to say!”

“That’s the point, Hermes,” said Hades.

“I don’t even know why we’re friends,” Hermes huffed.

Sometimes, Hades wasn’t sure either.

Persephone took that opportunity to slide past him on the bottom stair.


He reached for her again, but she turned to face him, her eyes bright and determined.

“I’m going to Ares’s island today,” she said. “We have to have the fleece. Harmonia is getting worse…and so are you.” Persephone looked pointedly at his side.

Hades stiffened, surprised that she knew. His reactionseemed to confirm her suspicions though, and despite her frustration, he also saw her hurt.

Fuck. He didn’t want to worry her, but he’d kept too much from her already.

He started to speak, but Hermes interrupted.

“Too bad you can’t just trap Ares in a bronze jar again. He was gone for a whole year, imprisoned by giants, and only escaped becauseIrescued him.” He paused to pick some popcorn from between his teeth. “He still owes me for that.”

Hades and Persephone both stared.

“What?” he asked.

“Ares owes you a favor?” Persephone asked.

“Yeah, like, fromancienttimes,” Hermes said, still oblivious to what Hades and Persephone were thinking.

“Hermes,” Persephone said, taking a step forward. “I need you to use your favor with Ares to get the Golden Fleece.”

“What?” he asked. “No.”

“Hermes, please,” Persephone said. “I will grant you favor in return. I will—”

“It isn’taboutthe favor. It’s about Ares. His island is one giant booby trap!” He paused and chuckled. “I’ve always wanted to use those words.”

“I am glad you still have your sense of humor in the face of Harmonia dying,” said Hades, barely biting back his anger.

“The point is, Hades, I am very much mortal right now, and because it is my favor, I have to go. What ifIdie?”

“I’ll protect you,” Hades said.

Hermes’s lips parted. “I’ve waited my whole life to hear those words,” he said, shivering.