Page 41 of A Touch of Chaos

“I think you mean the mortal way,” said Apollo.

“We abducted him from outside his work,” Hermes explained. “Antoni helped us.”

“Did anyone see you?” Persephone asked.

“Does it matter?” asked Hermes.

“It does if Theseus’s men are watching,” said Persephone.

Hermes pursed his lips, and Apollo frowned.

“I doubt Theseus would waste his resources on me,” said Robert. “I am one cog in his machine.”

“And if one breaks, the whole thing comes down,” Persephone said. “Theseus does not like loose ends.” She looked at Hecate. “What can be done?” She did not wish for the man to suffer for his loyalty to the gods.

“I can cast a protection spell,” Hecate said. “Though they are not infallible.”

“I am grateful for anything,” said Robert. “I only wish I could’ve helped more.”

Persephone met the mortal’s gaze. “You have helped enough. Thank you.”

Hecate teleported with Robert and returned in seconds.

“Will he be safe?” Persephone asked.

“I’m not sure anyone is safe,” said Hecate.

Her words made Persephone’s stomach drop.

“You will not be able to take responsibility for every mortal who crosses paths with Theseus,” said Hecate.

“No, but I would rather not see them die for helping us.”

“He made his choice,” Hecate said.

Persephone could not argue. There were greater things at stake.

“We have to go to Knossos,” she said.

“Hold on, Seph,” said Apollo. “This is clearly a trap.”

“I am aware,” she said, but it changed nothing.

“I know you are eager to bring Hades home,” said Hecate. “But we must proceed with caution. Apollo is right. It is evident Theseus used your ring to trap Hades, and it is likely he knows we will track its energy. He wants you in that labyrinth. He iscountingon it.”

Persephone did not doubt that either. Theseus was toying with them.

“I think I know someone who can help,” said Hermes. “Or at least let us know what we’re up against.”

“Who?” Persephone asked.

“Her name is Ariadne,” he said. “Ariadne Alexiou.”



Dionysus entered the Crysos Gallery of Art and wove his way through the crowd, heading straight for the bar. The attendant must have seen him because he already had a glass of wine prepared. Dionysus snatched it with a nod and continued through the fray, observing the gathering.