Page 8 of Doug

Doug’s lip twitched upward, taking the short reprieve. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve been in my apartment.”

She shook her head. “No. But I thought I would have, by now,” she prodded. “You made me believe we were getting along just fine before you…poof, disappeared.”

Respite over.

He nudged her functioning elbow in a gentle grasp. “Okay. I get it. You need answers. But can we go inside before we dig into things any further? I think food will help me…say what I need to say.”

Another eye roll, but she relented, and actually leaned into him as they walked. He was a little shocked because…

Surprisingly, it felt good.

Before he could get his tongue unwound, Pixie started again.

“Listen. I’m not going to pretend I don’t like you, Doug, even after you unceremoniously ditched me. I feel…different with you. Safe, and…unstressed. And I haven’t felt comfortable with any man but my dad since my ex did such a complete number on my head. There’s something about you,” she continued, “thatmakes me want to take a chance; risk stepping outside my comfort-zone.”

Doug bristled. “You’ll always be safe with me, Pixie. I’d never hurt you. Never.” He wondered if she’d believe—

“See? That right there. You’re a born protector, and I can feel it. There’s nothing fake about you when you say that. Which is why it’s so confusing that you… Okay. We won’t talk about it anymore until you have food in your stomach.”

“Thanks. I think,” Doug replied. At least the reprieve would give him time to decide how much he should spill.


Pixie didn’t know what had gotten into her, or why she’d suddenly rediscovered her backbone, but it felt…good confronting Doug. Had this odd feeling of rebellion been boiling beneath the surface ever since he’d stopped calling without any explanation? Had it bubbled over when she’d stood up to Peter the jerk yesterday? Pixie wasn’t sure, but oddly, that second incident hadn’t proven to be an anomaly. Her newfound grit had carried over into today.

A few amazing examples flitted through her brain as she preceded Doug into Talia’s house, lending her a secret smile…

Before she’d left school today, she’d finally taken exception to being the one who always cleaned up the break-room, and in her defiance, she’d created a monthly sign-up sheet for the task, firmly putting her name in only twice. The looks she’d received from her coworkers had been shocked. Puzzled. But Pixie had felt nothing but…emancipation over the action.

Earlier, at dismissal time, she’d had words with Jason’s Dad again—the boy in her class who made her think there was more going on behind the scenes than anyone suspected—letting him know that his son’s hygiene was lacking and needed to be addressed. Even when the man had gotten angry andthreatening, as was his norm, Pixie hadn’t backed down, saying she could refer him to the school counselor if he had trouble communicating what was necessary with his child.

Then before she’d left for Talia’s, in a very rare public display, she’d brought it to the attention of a clerk at the local drug store that one of her items had scanned differently at the register than the price it showed on the shelf.


Who was this woman she’d suddenly become?

And now…

She dared be all up in Doug’s face?

She’d noticed the minute he’d pulled in across the street. She’d actually been watching out the window for a delivery driver who was one street over—according to her phone app—bringing a new order of May’s medication. When Doug’s familiar vehicle had slowed, then parked on the side of the road opposite the house, she’d first experienced a thrill, but then she’d grown angry. Who did he think he was? He’d ghosted her, and was now designating himself as her watchdog?Oh yeah.The decision to keep an eye on herhadto be his own. No way Talia would have put Doug up to it. That wasn’t her sister’s MO. Talia more likely had dropped the information to him casually, letting the man decide whether he’d do anything with the intel. Talia was a sneak, but Doug had clearly taken the bait. This stake-out, or whatever the hell he called it, was all on him.

But what to do about it?

Minutes after she’d received her delivery, purposely keeping her eyes from straying in Doug’s direction as she took the package, she’d firmly closed the door behind her and contemplated her options.

Pixie discarded several ideas, including letting the air out of his tires after dark, and blocking her number to prank call him.But still, it was clear. The time was ripe for her to blindside Doug.

She’d mentally rubbed her hands together gleefully. He probably thought she wouldn’t confront him, but he was dead wrong. She was damned well finished letting everyone in her world dictate how things in her life would go. Using that newfound resolve, she was ready to demand answers from Doug…after she filled his stomach.

Yup. Food. The man loved to eat, and that’s how she’d get to him.

Decision made, she’d only suffered a few pangs of anxiousness as she prepared a Tex-Mex feast, after which she’d stomped across the street to invite the man in.


Pixie huffed silently, giving herself an internal ration of shit.Sustainabilityof her newly unearthed powers obviously wasn’t going to be her strong suit. Being the wuss she was, once Doug said a few really nice things to her—like how hecaredfor her—Pixie’s resolve to insist on explanations from him had begun to crumble. His sweet words had been a balm to her soul.Ifthey were to be believed. So she’d totally caved once she’d seen how he’d reacted to her demand for explanations. He’d appeared so damned…uncomfortable. Pained, almost, to contemplate talking things out.