Doug had never thought of it like that. His friendship with Will had simply unfolded so easily over time. Looking at it from Pixie’s point of view, Doug felt a warm glow in his chest. Will knew all about him, and accepted him anyway. That was a huge eye-opener.
“Not to say that I don’t think Cisco and Kyle aren’t real friends,” Pixie went on to clarify. “I know they are, as well as your cousin Deiter whom I hope to meet soon.”
“You will,” Doug assured her. “My aunt and uncle, too. And just to let you know, I talked to Uncle Frank last night about…everything.” Doug knew Pixie would understand that meant their budding relationship, as well as the mushroom thing. Surprisingly, Uncle Frank hadn’t hesitated to encourage Doug to embrace both. The chief already knew about the therapy, and endorsed it highly. Apparently, a few of his old friends had come back from the Gulf War suffering PTSD. They’d gotten their lives back under control by undergoing guided psychedelic therapy.
And as far as dating Pixie was concerned…
“Uncle Frank is already letting your name drop all over the place,” Doug chuffed. “You’d think it was he who was dating, he’s so vested.” Once Doug had told the chief some of the shit that had been happening lately in Pixie’s life and how he planned to stick close, his uncle had been almost giddy.
“You know, I like to hear you say that we’re dating,” Pixie gave him a nudge with her shoulder, and Doug didn’t flinch.
“I like saying it,” he admitted.
With her wide smile firmly in place, impacting his gut with far more than it probably should at this juncture, he opened the door. Then, because he couldn’t help himself, he placed his palm on the small of her back as she preceded him inside, intentionally keeping it there as he spotted Will. He walked with her to the table where his friend was already seated.
It was subtle, keeping his hand lightly on Pixie’s back, but Will’s brows went up when he spotted the gesture. A small, devilish grin graced the therapist’s lips as he stood.
To bust the man’s balls, Doug still didn’t remove his digits as he introduced Pixie. “Will, this is mygirlfriend,Pixie. Pixie, this is Will.”
“I’m so happy to finally meet you,” Pixie said as they shook hands.
“Likewise,” Will countered. “This isn’t something I thought I’d ever see.”
Doug scowled. “Will. You promised no head-shrinking tonight.”
“I’m not speaking as a professional, Doug. I’m saying it as a friend. But just to be clear, let me rephrase it.”
Doug rolled his eyes wondering what the dick was going to spout, while Will cleared his throat.
“Eh-hem. It’s about time this jerk pulled his head out of his ass and found himself a good woman.”
Because Pixie looked damned pleased at the statement, Doug didn’t call Will out again. But the bastard had better toe the line for the rest of the evening. If he so much as whipped out a syllable of psycho-babble, Doug’s foot would find the man’s shin under the table. And he wouldn’t be gentle.
Luckily, Will got the picture, and the meal progressed easily amidst a lot of getting-to-know-you talk between Pixie and Will. And because Doug and Pixie had already talked about it, she dared order a grilled porkchop, which Doug then cut up for her after it arrived at the table.
Once finished taking care of that, without thinking, Doug offered her the bite that remained on the fork. Pixie plucked it off with her teeth, then they both grinned at each other like fools.
Doug happened to glance over at Will, and the man’s face was a study in amazement.Hah. Doug hadn’t meant to make the gesture. It had been spontaneous. But he found he liked messing with his friend’s head.
Doug’s confidence grew over the evening as it was clear Pixie and Will were enjoying each other’s company. Doug found himself leaning toward Pixie, joining in on her side when she and Will butt heads over their favorite baseball teams. Pixie was a Red Sox fan all the way, but Will, having grown up inConnecticut, was a staunch Yankees man. The ensuing debates were actually hilarious, especially since neither team had been doing that well over the past few seasons.
By the time the table was cleared and Pixie had excused herself to go to the ladies’ room, Doug could tell Will was practically bursting at the seams to speak.
“Okay.” Doug put his elbows on the table and leaned in once Pixie was out of earshot. “Spill.”
“She’s awesome.”
Doug snorted. “Tell me something I don’t already know.”
“Fine. I will.”
Doug sat back in his chair. He certainly hadn’t expected that rejoinder.
Will stared directly into his eyes. “Since the two of you are doing so well, I’m not sure we need to go ahead with the psilocybin session tomorrow.”
Doug blinked. “You don’t?”