Page 48 of Doug

“You don’t think that’s overkill, Doug?” she asked.

“I don’t. Not until Roper has a chance to talk with Harlan, which he’s going to do first thing in the morning. If he can get some reassurance from the man that he means you no harm, we’ll rethink our security measures.”

Pixie huffed. “I’m not worried, Doug. I think I may have blown the whole thing out of proportion.”

Doug barked out a laugh. “Oh really? Well, I disagree. I think your change of heart is more likely the new Pixie talking. The one who held a gun on a junkie last night. Not that I don’t like your newfound courage, I just don’t want you to get too cocky. I’d hate for you to let your guard down and have something bad happen.”

“You can’t worry about me, twenty-four-seven, Doug,” she needled. “You have work to keep you busy, and I have school. But maybe…”

“Yeah, Pixie? What is it?” Why had she come to an abrupt stop after her previously bold statements?

“Okay,” she relented. “I’m just going to say it. Maybe we can go out next weekend? Not a date or anything,” she was quick to assure him. “Just a couple of buddies grabbing a meal or a movie.”

Doug didn’t know what suddenly got into him. Maybe it was indicative of how tired he was, but when he opened his mouth, the most improbable thing came out.

“No Pixie. Wewon’tmeet as buddies.”

He heard her muted sound of disappointment over the line, and realized what she must be thinking.Dammit,he needed to spit the rest out, quickly.

“We’ll be having adate. Pixie. An actual date. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock Friday night.”

Was that a muffled squeal he heard?

Doug couldn’t stop his grin.

“I… It… That sounds lovely, Doug,” she finally got out, obviously tamping down her excitement.

“Great. If you need me before Friday, don’t hesitate to call. Okay?”

“Okay,” she said, and he could hear the joy in her voice, which made his heart feel even lighter than it had, earlier.

“I’ll see you soon.” He disconnected quickly before he could scrabble back his offer, but… His first impulse when he could no longer sense her presence, was to bang his forehead on his steering wheel.

What the hell had he done?

Damn.He needed to call Will.

It would take several sessions this week to see what the fuck was happening with his brain.


Doug was nervous. And wasn’t that ridiculous. He’d been seeing Will for years, and their sessions had long ago lapsed into a comfortable give and take. But today…

Taking a deep breath, he pushed through the door leading into a three story, nondescript brick building in downtown Bangor. Today he was going to try to unravel the confusing and disturbing feelings he’d been having toward Pixie. By the end of their damnable weekend together, he’d been trying to come to grips with his gut-deep need to see her. He’d already gone so far as to call their next meet-up, a date. But that wasn’t the worst of it.

Last night, in bed, he’d palmed his cock, which he did very infrequently and reluctantly to relieve stress. But this time, instead of concentrating simply on the feel of his hand, Pixie’s face had flown into his head, and he’d become harder than he had before.Ever.The resulting orgasm had been epic…before his head had taken over and the whole thing had gone to shit.

When he’d tried to banish her visage—even after he’d settled once again in bed—it had refused to disappear, and he’d even imagined the smooth skin of her neck. The swell of her breasts, and—

Gah!He was doing it again while heading in to see Will.

Damn. This needs to stop.

The conflicting forces of nausea and lust were constantly waging battle for supremacy in his brain, even now as he prepared to make sense of it with Will. And he didn’t like feeling so off kilter. He hoped like hell Will could help him banish the tumultuous thoughts from his head, so he could go back to the way things were, before. But shit. He didn’t allow himself to think, for even a second, that cutting Pixie from his life would be the answer.No.He wanted herandhis old detachment back.

Doug entered Will’s waiting room and took a seat. The door alarm would let Will know he was here. The man had never employed a receptionist. He was a one-man operation.

“Doug. What’s cooking?” Will opened the door to his inner-office, a grin on his face. “I was a little surprised when you called for an appointment. You’ve been doing okay with seeing me once a month.”