Hell no.Not on Doug’s watch. With another upward thrust of his hips, this time more forcefully, he sent the guy to the floor, then with lightning speed, he leaned over and pummeled him with both fists, taking him out with two swift blows to the head.
On his hands and knees, Doug paused for a moment, regaining his breath, then heard the sirens. He groaned. Not that he didn’t welcome the local PD. They’d make sure the guy was secure. But it was going to be a long night once they showed up—after a very long day for both him and Pixie—with the questioning, and statements they’d have to gather.
Doug snorted and brought himself to his feet. Then gently, while keeping his eyes glued to Pixie’s, he reached forward and removed the firearm from her hand. “You did good, Pix,” he praised. He’d read her the riot act later, for getting involved. But now was not the time.
Color moved up into her fair face, and he wanted to touch the blush on her cheeks, but instead, he coughed and turned his attention to the room. “Is everybody okay?”
No shots had been fired, but Doug had seen elderly people succumb to heart problems from terror alone.
“We’re fine,” echoed around the room as people began lifting themselves back into chairs. Then, as Doug continued to stand over the perp, making sure the man didn’t so much as twitch, the room broke out into spontaneous applause.
He felt a flush, equal no doubt to the one Pixie had just displayed, move up the back of his neck.
“Man, I wish I’d gotten that on video,” one voice called out.
“I did,” said another. “It’s already uploading.”
Doug bit back a groan. Just what he needed. For a man known to crave anonymity, he’d soon be live on social media.Damn.He was going to take some serious shit from histeammates when they saw the guy successfully pull the leg maneuver on him.
Still, Doug had come out the victor, albeit sooner than he’d imagined because of a huge amount of help from his intrepid woman.
Shit. His? Now he was being all proprietorial with Pixie.
Doug needed to shut those thoughts down, but… He didn’t have any more time to speculate. The cops arrived, bursting through the door, weapons drawn.
“On the floor,” they ordered Doug, because of course he was the one holding the gun. With one hand up, he leaned down and slid the firearm toward the officers, then hit the deck, belly first.
“Gerald Smith,” a female voice barked out spectacularly loud from somewhere in the restaurant. If Doug wasn’t mistaken, it was their waitress, and clearly, she knew one of the cops. “If you want supper when your shift’s over, you can stop pointing that gun at the guy who saved our bacon.” She marched over and pointed to the man on the floor whose eyes were just beginning to blink open. “It’s Joe Berly who came in to rob the till tonight.”
“Goddammit,” Doug heard one of the officer’s exclaim under his breath. “I’ve had it with this junkie. The judge needs to throw the book at him this time. How many stints in rehab has he had?”
“He’ll get put away for this one,” another cop said with certainty. “It’s the first time he’s had a gun.”
“Uh, guys? Can I move?” Doug asked politely from the floor.
“You have any ID?” the one closest to him asked.
“He’s a police officer with the Orono PD.” Pixie’s voice rang out forcefully before Doug could answer. “And also a member of Downeast SWAT. And if he hadn’t intervened, the outcome here might have been much different. Your friend there,” she pointed to the man who was trying to arise, “was mighty edgy waving his gun around.”
“She’s right, Gerry,” the waitress concurred, finally coming forward to be wrapped immediately in the officer’s arms. “I don’t know what Joe’s got in his system this time, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d started firing.”
“Hello? This is all well and fine, but can I get up now?” Doug tried again.
“Damn. Of course,” the lead officer, Gerry, finally gave him permission, and Doug came slowly upright, taking no chances. The cop came toward him, the waitress still glued to his side, and extended a hand. “Gerry Smith, as you might have heard my wife say.”
“Doug Lumous,” Doug replied, taking the gesture.
“Thanks for being in the right place at the right time,” Smith lauded. “When I got the call, I was…a little worried.”
Doug saw the look the officer gave to his wife, and knew that was an understatement. The guy had been terrified. And rightly so.
“Glad I could help,” Doug returned. “But my…friend here, was also instrumental in how things went. She grabbed the gun after I’d taken the perp, uh, Joe, down, and she held it on him while I got in a few good punches.”
“We’ll be hearing about all that for our report,” another of the cops chimed in. “Everybody?” He raised his voice to be heard over the low chatter that had begun a few minutes earlier. “We’ll need to take statements. I’m sorry if that delays whatever you’ve got going on, but continue with your meals as we make the rounds and we’ll keep it as quick as possible.”
Doug doubted that. He knew how these things went. The ones who didn’t want to hear themselves talk would be brief. The ones who loved drama, would go on and on, embellishing what they saw and heard.
Moving close to Pixie, who was now standing with her one good arm held securely across her abdomen, Doug touched hershoulder. “Are you okay? That was a pretty bold move you made.” His hand slid away, as he registered his unaccustomed outreach.