Page 35 of Doug

Pixie sighed. “Doug arrived earlier to follow me back to Orono, but before he stopped at the house, he thought he’d have a look around the area.”

“Typical protector-guy shit,” Julie chuckled.

“Yeah. Maybe. But he, uh, actually found something up the hill.”

“What?” Julie’s voice grew taut.

“An area that looks like someone had been up there. Parked.”

“Oh.” Julie let out an audible sigh. “Not the dead body I thought you might mean.” She chuckled. “You know it’s probably nothing. Most likely it’s one of the farmer’s teenage kids,” Julie suggested pragmatically. “They’re at that age. You know. Drinking, smoking, back-seat sex.”

Pixie snorted, remembering some of her own early trysts in those very same fields.

“Why didn’t I think of that?” Pixie replied. “Of course that’s what it is. I’m going to call Doug and tell him.”

“Uh, good luck with that,” Julie snickered. “If he’s in cop mode, and he’s got other cops with him who arealsoin cop mode, they’re not going to listen to you. Better to save your breath.”

Pixie watched the dancing lights on the hill, and had to agree. “Yeah. You’re probably right. I’ll just wait until they get it out of their systems.”

“If you… Wait a sec, Pix.” Julie’s attention was clearly pulled away as her voice raised away from her phone. “What are you doing, Ian?” … “No. I don’t think it’s necessary for you to head out and see what’s going on.” … “You’ll just be in the… Okay, fine then. Go.”

A huff sounded in Pixie’s ear as Julie came back on. “Men. Ian’s just gone out the back door and is headed up to see what’s percolating.”

Pixie giggled. “So, it’s not just cops who are overly vigilant,” she teased. “Are you sure Ian’s not working undercover?”

Julie laughed. “Not unless it’s for the United Federation of Planets.”

Pixie got the Star Trek reference, and snorted. “So now it’s aliens in our fields instead of stoners?”

“It might as well be,” Julie returned. “Wait. He’s coming back.”

Pixie turned her attention outside again and gave her friend the reason for her husband’s return.

“Right. Because it looks like the fact-finding mission is over,” Pixie told her. “The cruiser lights are moving back down the hill. Damn. I’m so sorry Ian missed the excitement.”

“Ah, well. You can be sure he’ll keep an eye on that field from now on,” Julie informed her, an edge of pride sneaking into her voice.

“Our very own, local vigilante,” Pixie agreed. “But he better have something with him other than his toy phaser to protect himself.”

“Oh!” Julie mockingly returned. “Nevercall it a toy, Pix. Heaven forbid. It’s anenergy weapon.”

Pixie giggled. “My bad.”

“I have a question for you.” Julie flipped the conversation. “Do you need my hubby and his phaser to come over and sleep on the couch to protect you tonight, or is Officer Remote but Lick-able staying?”

Pixie chortled at the description but managed to find her voice.

“We’re heading back to Talia’s. Doug’s following me. I want to be there in the morning for May, and Tallie’s coming home in the early afternoon. She’ll want a report of what’s been happening.”

“That’s fine.Ifyou feel safe,” Julie replied.

“I do. But thanks for the offer of your husband. I’ll check in with you tomorrow night and see if Ian has found any signs of a landing party in the fields.”

“Sounds like a plan. And Pix?”


“Make sure Mr. Nicely-Filled-Out-Cranky-Pants knows we appreciate his alertness.”