Everyone scrambled for cover, and Doug yelled out to the officer who’d almost had his scalp blown off. “Phillips. I’m calling SWAT.”
“Do it,” the man in charge responded with a shaky nod. These guys were excellent at their job, but they weren’t SWAT.
Phillips continued. “We’ll sit tight until they show. Henrique,” he called out to one of his men stationed at the end of the corridor. “Clear the floor.”
It was a small building, so there were only five apartments besides the one they’d surrounded, but Rodger indicated that two more of his force should help in the evac. It was smart, getting it done as quickly as possible. Doug hoped their perp didn’t continue shooting anytime soon.
Doug quickly tapped Talia’s number, even knowing she was out of town. She was his squad’s LT, so he was following protocol. Talia would subsequently contact Mason, the chief of their team.
“Lumous?” she answered alertly. “What’s happening?”
“Active shooter.” He gave the address. “It’s the extraction you were going to help me with next week. We got a call from a neighbor that the situation had exploded. OPD was called in. They knocked on the door and got shot at for their troubles. We need SWAT.”
“On it. I’m calling Mason. Sit tight and don’t be a freaking hero.”
Before he could answer, Talia hung up.
She knew him too well. His initial instincts had been to run right in, but…
Doug’s phone rang not thirty seconds later, showing Mase’s number.
“Lumous,” he clipped.
“ETA four minutes with five squads. Which floor?”
“Third,” Doug told him. “Apartment 33.” He heard Mason’s car door slam.
“Sit rep?” Squealing tires accompanied the request.
“Suspected domestic abuse. Father, mother, and a six-year-old daughter inside. A neighbor heard screams this morning, so MECASA stepped up their extraction timetable, bringing alongOPD for safety purposes.” He didn’t reveal that he was part of MECASA this morning, not OPD.
“Talia said there was a shot fired. Any casualties?”
“Negative. Our perp fired high, and we’re currently all taking cover. Phillips is the officer in charge, and he’s having the floor cleared.”
“Good. Tell him to sit tight after that’s completed. He’s not to escalate. And that goes for you, too, Doug.”
Doug wanted to scoff, but he knew his reputation as a team player was the reason for Mason’s caution. He’d toe the line.
“I’m waiting for your orders,” he confirmed.
“Damned right you are. And since your LT is out of town, your ass belongs to me.”
“Yes, sir,” Doug responded. He wasn’t about to piss Mason off. Mostly because his mind was hyper focused on the little girl inside the apartment, but also because Mason hadn’t been his biggest fan in the past.
The little girl… What hell was she suffering right now?
Another shot fired from within.
Fuck!That wasn’t good.
“Shot fired?” Mason asked.
“Yes, sir. But…” Doug ditched caution and inched closer to the door, even though Maria’s hand on his arm tried to pull him back. He pressed his ear to the wood, and heard…crying. From a child. He heaved out a breath and leaned his back against the wall adjacent to the splintered portal. “…there’s a sound from within indicating that the girl is still alive.” He slid his back down the wall until he rested on his haunches.
“Pulling up in front right now,” Mason barked. “I’ll bring you a vest and a helmet.”
The last thing Doug had been thinking about this morning was suiting up for a call-out, so yeah, protective gear would be good. He had his side-arm, but that was all. He’d have to thankMason for remembering, and for letting him be an active part of this operation.