Page 72 of Doug

Now she held a smidge of optimism that with Doug’s therapist’s help, and the tiny things Doug was beginning to do on his own, the combination would aid in finding him a way to stick around and build something with her.

But she also understood that Doug’s worry over a possible long-term relationship was valid. If he dared let Pixie in, then failedat getting his body to agree to any kind of intimacy, he speculated that could drive her away.

At this juncture, Pixie didn’t think that was true, but how could she know? Would one year of Doug not bringing their closeness to an increased level have her walking away? Two? Ten? She wasn’t omniscient. There were no guarantees. But then again, were there guarantees for anyone’s relationship? She pondered on that for a while, staring at the ceiling, but…what a waste of time, especially when the answers weren’t easily uncovered.

Pixie thrust all negative thoughts aside, and focused on how Doug’s hands had felt on her when he’d picked her up. She was sure she’d seen appreciation in his eyes as he’d touched her skin. There’d definitely been a spark when he’d looked at her boobs. And again, that kiss…

Holy hell.It was probably the lightest, most chaste kiss she’d ever received from a man, yet it had rocked her to the core. To say that her entire body had lit up with the contact would be an understatement. She’d had all she could do not to grab the man and drag him closer. Thank God she hadn’t. He probably would have dropped her before running fast and far.

Pixie sighed. Enough of that. Going over and over what had happened the previous evening wasn’t going to change the trajectory of their relationship. Doug had said he wanted to try dating, and he was a man of his word.

So… They were now dating.

Ending on that positive note, Pixie wiggled out of bed on her good hip, then walked to the bathroom. The pain in her torso was less today, and for that she was thankful. Walking around Bangor with her sister wouldn’t be as much of a challenge as she’d imagined—especially adding in a couple of ibuprofen tablets—because her mother was now the designated driver. Doug didn’t have to rearrange his schedule to accommodate Pixie today after all.

When Doug had deliveredher to the door the previous night, her parents had fussed over her, thanking Doug dozens of times for his help before they’d allowed him to leave. If it hadn’t been for Pixie’s injuries and her need to get into comfortable clothes and rest, her mom and dad would absolutely have detained Doug longer and given him the third degree. After all, he was the first male she’d brought home since Skeeter, so Pixie couldn’t blame them.

Thankfully, though, instead of digging into that right away, Doug had been able to make his escape. Pixie and her parents had then launched into the topic of Talia’s spur-of-the-moment wedding. Her sister had called their parents the minute she’d gotten off the phone with Pixie, and they’d been just as stunned as Pixie was. Joyful, but thunderstruck.

That’s when Pixie had told them about the dress-buying expedition for the next day and her mother had invited herself along. Not because she felt left out, but because she didn’t want Pixie to drive, or Doug to change his schedule. When Pixie had texted Doug from her room fifteen minutes later to tell him he was off the hook, he’d seemed disappointed, but also relieved.

My mother is driving me tomorrow, so you don’t need to come get me.

Too bad. I was looking forward to breakfast. But it’s a good thing you let me know.He’d texted back almost immediately.I was just about to call my uncle.

It’s for the best. Now you can go to work, then take time off for your house when you need to, which is more important.

Not more important than you, Pixie.

Wow. That had been one hell of a statement. Pixie had plopped down on her bed. On her good hip, of course, her breath catching at his spontaneous words. Would she dare…?

Wow. I’m feeling pretty special right now.Hitting send on that one had been jaw-clenching.

You are important and special, had come back almost immediately.

So are you.Pixie had bitten her lip and gone for broke.When will I see you again?

She’d known she didn’t want to wait until the wedding on Saturday. Which was silly, probably, but she’d feared that Doug would change his mind about them if they were apart for too long; that his demons would have time to sprout wings. And theyhadalready agreed to a Friday night date…

She’d been so relieved when he texted back.

Do you still want to meet Will?

Absolutely.She hadn’t hesitated.

I’ll call him in a few, and see if I can’t set up a time.

In his office, or out of it? she’d questioned.

Out,he’d answered immediately.I want you two to meet as friends. No clinical talk.

Was that good or bad? Pixie had pondered. She’d hoped to be part of Doug’s recovery, but she’d back off; give him the time he needed to integrate her into his healing process, hopefully in a way that made him comfortable.

Sounds good. Obviously, with me not going to work, I’m free with the exception of tomorrow during the day. She’d sent a series of smiley faces. Wednesday she’d be caught up in dress shopping, but that night, as well as Thursday or Friday would be doable.

Should I try to set something up for tomorrow night?

Absolutely, she’d replied, hoping her battered body would be able to handle a full day, but she hadn’t been even close to saying no.