“Delectable,” Doug said, ducking in for another kiss.
Pixie gave him a minute because…yumm. Doug’s lips. But then she shut him down. “Grab your jacket. We needed to be out of here five minutes ago.”
Reaching the farmhouse,they glanced at each other sheepishly. It looked like they were the last ones to arrive. Luckily, the ceremony wasn’t set to begin for another twenty minutes, so they had time to mingle a little, with Doug—no doubt—taking endless shit from his friends for cutting things so close.
But as they walked in, hand in hand, nobody looked like they were in a jocular mood.What the fuck?
Mason walked forward. “We just got some news.”
Pixie looked around, and seeing everyone she loved in the room, figured it couldn’t be too bad.
“Spill it,” Doug clipped.
“The prison warden called. It seems like someone, most likely Skeeter, but nobody’s talking, shanked Peter this morning in the courtyard. He bled out on the pavement before anyone could reach him.”
Pixie couldn’t say she was sorry, but it was too bad the man wouldn’t have to suffer years in jail for what he’d done. It had been determined at trial, through DNA provided by the Canadian authorities, that Peter had left a long trail of rape and murder behind him. It was only because his final crime had occurred in the states that the US had retained jurisdiction over his trial and incarceration.
When he’d been put into the same prison as Skeeter, Harlan had warned them repeatedly that his brother wasn’t happy.
Clearly, it had only been a matter of time.
Pixie shook off the news, and the mood. “I’m not surprised,” she said. “We’ll say a little prayer for him later.” She took a big breath and plastered a smile on her face that was only fake for a moment.
“So, everyone’s here, huh?” she asked.
There were low chuckles around the room.
“We’ve been here for a while, Pixie,” her mother chastised lightly.
“We, um, might have gotten lost.”
“I know what they were lost in,” Cisco said under his breath, and this time the entire room laughed for real.
“Does that mean it’s time for me to throw petals Miss Pixie?” Harlan yelled into the renewed cacophony.
“Yes, Harlan. It does,” Doug answered, right before he was dragged outside by the men, followed by everyone who wasn’t in the wedding party.
And just like that, the joy of the day was restored.
Half an hour later, Pixie and Doug were man and wife.
The razzing they got for their long kiss was epic.