“They are each a bright, sacred light,” Nox explained, his voice wavering with reverence and his academic facade slipping. “And when a mortal’s human vehicle has become worn with age or too painful to bear, they are freed to return to the Otherworld. There, they remain with their ancestors and their children and their friends, glowing with the eternal radiance of love and memory.”

“Where, though?” Nelson asked. “Not in Mag Mell with the deities and heroes?” he confirmed and Nox shook his head as they followed a path into the trees.

“No. They are a sea of stars that surrounds Mag Mell and its source of light and life. Forever warmed by their memories and the love of those they hold dear.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“I’ve always thought it sounded lovely,” Nox said, his voice growing distant. “Just glowing with your parents and reliving all that love and those memories for all of eternity.”

“I don’t know…” Nelson cringed at the thought. “It doesn’t sound as great when it’s my parents. I don’t want to spend an eternity with my father. The last twenty-six years have been more than enough. And my mother… She was a good woman but she…was not very warm.” He knew she loved him in her own cold way, but Nelson couldn’t imagine she’d particularly want his eternal company either. She rarely did when she was alive.

“Hmm…” Nox gave him a loaded look and Nelson understood he was biting his tongue, unwilling to speak ill of the dead or Nelson’s parents. He did his best to only say kind things and focus on the positives in Nelson’s upbringing. There just wasn’t a lot to be kind about so Nox often bit his tongue. “I won’t feel guilty about keeping you to myself, then, when we find our way to the Otherworld,” he said with a haughty tilt of his chin.

“Nope. I’m all yours,” Nelson stated, but it turned into a strangled yelp when Nox shoved him off the trail and up against a tree.

“You say you don’t want to have sex and yet you keep saying all the magick words,” Nox groaned as his hands slid under Nelson’s coat and up his chest. His tongue swept along Nelson’s lips and it was impossible to resist.

“I said I don’t want to have sex in a cemetery or get caught exposing myself in broad daylight,” Nelson corrected, hissing as Nox stepped into him and ground their erections against each other. “Nox,” he warned, but Nelson’s hand locked around Nox’s ass, helping him grind harder. He felt drunk as he lowered his head and sipped from Nox’s lips and enjoyed the heady pleasure swirling between them.

“This is life, Nelson!” Nox’s whisper was light and melodic, enchanting and arousing Nelson despite his reservations. “Feel it all around us as spring begins to stir! Birth, growth, sex, death… It’s all part of the cycle and it’s nature!” he said, tapping Nelson’s lips and whispering for him to listen. “Hear the birds and the bees and the breeze as it carries pollen to the flowers and the trees. That is life and it’s full of sex and the cycle doesn’t stop just because it's in the presence of the dead. The dead find peace in the cycle and their part in it.”

“Even if the sex is unnatural?” Nelson joked shakily. It didn’t feel natural, how deeply he desired Nox and how helpless he was to resist him.

“Nothing could be more natural than this,” Nox crooned against Nelson’s tongue as he unzipped their pants. It only took Nox a moment to free their cocks and Nelson’s eyes rolled as he swore at the rush of heat and the pressure already building in his sac.

“Wait!” He wrenched his lips free and Nelson shushed Nox when he started to pout. “You first. Let me,” Nelson said as he cupped Nox’s cheek and pinned his gaze. He took hold of Nox’s shaft, resting their foreheads against each other. “I never thought about sex. Never understood more than the basics. Now, I need you like I need air. I know how to touch you like I was born to do this.”

“You were,” Nox panted. “Can you feel it?” His eyelids fluttered and his lips clung to Nelson’s.

“I can feel it.” His soul was getting lighter and lighter with Nox’s as their nerves flickered and glowed.

“It’s like my soul is lifting, Nelson.” Nox’s moan was ethereal and summoned Nelson’s soul to let go and follow, stirring the heat and pressure in his groin.

“Now, Nox.” Nelson adjusted his grip, sliding his thumb over Nox’s lips and under his jaw. His hand tightened around Nox’s throat, making him whimper.

“Yes! I’m almost—!” Nox’s eyes crossed as Nelson applied even pressure, slowing the blood flow while his other hand tugged faster. It was slick with pre-cum as Nox dangled on his tiptoes.

“Come for me,” Nelson urged, ignoring the wild throbbing in his sac and the thrashing of his heart. His body and his soul yearned to merge with Nox’s and ascend, but Nelson held on. “Now!” He captured Nox’s lips, swallowing his scream as he arched and shivered and cum spilled over Nelson’s fist. “Thank you,” Nelson whispered as he released Nox’s throat and kissed him tenderly.

He cherished Nox’s pleasure, the warm euphoria seeping through Nelson’s suit. It made Nox’s lips sweeter and Nelson’s mouth watered at the smell of his cum as he raised his hand. “What could be more natural?” Nox murmured, grinning wickedly as he licked a drop from Nelson’s knuckle. “Your turn,” he said, then lowered to his knees.

“Um…” Nelson risked a quick glance around the tree, making sure they were still alone. “Okay but you have to promise me you won’t…again while you’re doing that,” he said awkwardly.

“I don’t know if I can.” Nox hummed in delight as he nuzzled Nelson’s sac and shaft lovingly. “We’ve never done it in the woods before and it’s so hot!”

It was getting too hot. “Wait! We can’t!” Nelson reached for Nox and his pants with his clean hand, attempting to pull both up. “Someone will definitely see us if you start floating and glowing,” he whispered.

“Shhh! Okay!” Nox held up his hands. “What if I kept them…” They slid up Nelson’s sides and around his asscheeks. “Right here is really nice. And what if I did this?” Fingers trailed into the cleft of Nelson’s ass and nudged his hole.

“That’s…fine,” Nelson decided, falling against the tree and licking his hand clean.

They were in the woods and his back was to the cemetery, Nelson reasoned. They were alone and hidden from view and there weren’t any graves or crypts for yards and yards, so he gave into the lure of Nox’s lips as they wrapped around his cock and the need thumping in his veins. “Maybe it isn’t that sacrilegious…”

“Only if it was a holy day and you took a lord’s name in vain.”

Nelson shook his head drunkenly, mesmerized by the sight of Nox lapping and sucking with greedy abandon. “I won’t,” he babbled, then bit back a loud moan as Nox took him deep, gagging softly around Nelson’s length. First one finger, then two pushed into Nelson’s passage, making him buck against Nox’s face. He ached to be sliding into Nox, but Nelson could feel his soul detaching as heat swelled in his core. “It’s happening. I can feel it!”

“Mmmm!” Nox’s muffled moan and the lush slide of his lips and the glorious pleasure radiating from Nelson’s prostate was too much.