Nelson swore and swatted Nox on the chest with his notepad. “There it is. You can’t focus on the fact that the Badb got close to you again. You’re too scared and mad because you thought you were going to lose Tony. And you’re already blaming yourself for Julian,” he predicted.

“Julian’s dying because he talked to me and can tell us who this lying Badb is. And you understand that we can’t go anywhere near Howard now, don’t you?” Nox’s voice was rising again and he nodded when Nelson cleared his throat in warning. “Sorry,” Nox said quietly and took a deep breath. “Part of me wants to be there to comfort Howard, but I don’t want to even hint that that dear, sweet man knows something to anyone. I have to wait until Howard’s been notified or the Badb will think Julian gave us a clue that sent us there. And now we find out my assistant is sick from a trap that was meant for me.”

“Hey, professor,” Tony said as he pulled open the door and leaned out.

“Go lay down!” Nox and Nelson shouted at him, but Tony just nodded and held onto the jamb.

“I will in a minute. I just talked to Walt and he’s moving some things around so he can cover your classes until I’m cleared to come back.”

“Brilliant!” Nox said with feigned enthusiasm. “Now, go inside and rest.”

“Yup. I will.” Tony’s thumb flipped up but he nodded at Nelson, disregarding Nox. “I think the professor would be safer with you. We can hold down the fort until you find this nemesis.”

“Excuse me,” Nox said. “You’re my assistant and that’s my fort you’re talking about.”

Tony floundered for a moment. “I thought Walt would be your first choice if I couldn’t be there.”

“Sure!” Nox replied quickly. “Walt’s great. He learned from the best and I think Walt’s…swell, but…”

“But?” Nelson prodded.

Nox was frozen as he searched for an excuse and gave up when nothing came to him. “I almost lost my favorite TA. I don’t want to have to explain to Clancy that I took his out too.”

A wide smile spread across Tony’s face. “I’m your favorite?”

“You are now, after that stunt you pulled this morning,” Nox teased and gave Tony’s arm a playful punch. “None of the others almost died for me.”

“Any time, professor. Whoever this sicko is, I’d feel better if you were out there looking for him with Agent Nelson to watch your back.”

Nelson grunted as he wrote. “I haven’t met any of the others except Ava, but you’re my favorite at the moment.”

“Thanks!” Tony said. “Walt and I have this covered and I’ll be right as rain by Monday,” he promised and tried to return Nox’s punch, but missed and pitched forward, catching himself with the door.

“That’s enough walking for you,” Nox said, steadying Tony and calling for Celia.

She came to collect Tony and helped him back into the house, leaving Nelson and Nox. “I sent a team to go through your office and your classroom,” Nelson informed Nox and he nodded.

“That’s a good call. Nobody touches anything until everything’s been tested, cleaned, and sanitized. I’m not taking any more chances with our faculty or students.”

“I don’t blame you, but you had no reason to think he’d come for you at school or risk his attack hitting an innocent bystander.”

“No…” Nox couldn’t see the Badb wasting an attack like that. “He’s been one step ahead of us so far. He made sure we found Ma when he was ready and he timed it so Julian would be just sick enough for me to see that he was dying. Did he want me to rush here to Silver Spring?” Nox swept a hand through his hair and gave it an anxious twist. “What if he knew we’d ask about Clance and he’s next?”

“Hold on!” Nelson gripped Nox’s shoulders. “I’ll call Clancy and warn him but he’s in the J. Edgar Hoover Building. If the Badb can get to Clancy in the heart of the FBI, we had better hang it up because he’s too smart and he’s got connections way above our heads.”

“That’s true…” Nox’s blood pressure lowered as he considered how big the Badb’s balls would have to be for him to go after Clancy. “He’d be stupid to try anything with Clancy. He’s got the dad act down pat, but he’s super ripped for an old guy under his tweed blazers and I’ve seen him do scary things.”

“He’s in his fifties. That’s not old and what do you mean scary?” Nelson asked warily.

Nox shook his head, signaling that this was not the time or the place. “Let’s just say that my little fire trick wouldn’t impress someone who can…” He leaned and checked the window. Celia had Tony bundled up under a quilt and was feeding him soup so Nox gestured for Nelson to come closer. “Stop time,” he mouthed.

Nelson shook his head dubiously. “No,” he said and Nox nodded. “Let’s go.” Nelson grabbed Nox’s elbow and hurried him down the porch steps.

“We didn’t say goodbye!” Nox protested.

“Text Tony and tell him something came up,” Nelson said as he yanked Nox’s door open and ran around to the other side.

“But you can’t go right to Clance and tell him I told you,” Nox said as he ducked into his seat and closed the door.