“No?” Merlin asked and sounded disappointed.

“No.” Nox asked himself again if he really, really wanted to confide something this delicate and potentially immense with his worst friend. “It’s about me and Nelson,” he said, taking a quick look over his shoulder. He knew Nelson wasn’t behind him, but Nox couldn’t help feeling paranoid.

“Probably not as interesting as me and Jeff,” Merlin sighed and waved for Nox to continue.

“Maybe I should ask Clance.” Nox turned to go and laughed when Merlin snatched his arm. “It’s also about Dad and Mom so please don’t make it weird. Er,” he added with a pointed look, daring Merlin to behave.

“I understand,” he said, lifting his chin graciously. “Tell me, my dear.”

“Did Mom or Dad ever mention something…strange happening when they would…ahem.”

Merlin’s lips curled between his teeth and there was a strangled snort. “Strange when they ahemed? In what way?”

“Did they ever hear things like harps and bees or a strange voice or feel like they were glowing like a small sun?” Nox explained flatly.

“Hmmm…” Merlin rubbed his chin. “You know, I’m sure Sorcha would have said something, but I can’t recall her mentioning harps or bees or Lucas glowing.”

“Great,” Nox groaned as he slouched against the counter. “I was hoping this was just how it was supposed to be and it wasn’t a big deal.”

Merlin nodded as he clapped. “But it is! Nelson mentioned this while you were resting and I think—”

“He did?” Nox swung toward the study, surprised. Nelson would have to be worried, indeed, to confide in Merlin about that.

“He’s quite concerned,” Merlin said, tenderly cupping Nox’s cheek and turning him. “We all are.”

“That’s just it, though! This…buzzing and glowing is getting in the way,” Nox complained.

“It’s getting in the way?” Merlin parroted, then gave Nox’s cheek a swift slap, shocking him.


Merlin was cross and ready to strangle Nox, judging by the throbbing vein on his little forehead. He took a long, fortifying breath before smiling at Nox. “This is your fate, my lad. It’s not getting in the way, it is upon you.”

“No.” Nox refused to hear it and went to get the kettle. “I’m making a cup of tea. Want one?”

“Try coffee. You need to wake up,” Merlin said, pushing past Nox and taking the kettle from him.

“No,” Nox repeated and crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly. “I’ve waited my whole life to have what Mom and Dad had. And I promised Dad that when I found the other half of my soul, that I’d hold onto him as tight as I could.”

“Yes! You should do that!” Merlin pointed at Nox. “You and Nelson were brought together for a reason. Don’t you see the significance in him?”

“I do,” Nox stated firmly, blocking out the spiritual and supernatural implications, choosing to revel in the good and loyal aspects of Nelson’s nature and cherishing the man himself. “But it has nothing to do with the fate you’re imagining.”

“Nox!” Merlin’s hands clapped over his mouth to hold back a frantic whimper. “You can’t stop this!”

“Watch me!” Nox whispered tauntingly and wiggled his brows. “Fate might have put Nelson in my path, but I don’t have to ride him down the road it chose for us.” He went to the pantry and snatched the jar of raw sugar for his coffee and handed it to Merlin. “I can’t stop that curse from taking me before I’ve had a chance to grow old with Nelson, so I’m not wasting a moment with him or any of my energy worrying about it.”

“You have to see the folly in this!” Merlin pleaded, but Nox shushed him.

“I literally could be damned if I do and damned if I don’t and it might be inevitable—”

“It almost certainly is and I urge you to—” Merlin interrupted, but Nox raised a hand and pinched his lips together.

“Do you have a handbook or a list of rules I can consult?” Nox held onto Merlin’s lips as he shook his head. “I didn’t think so. I imagine you would have shown me and shared any other crucial magickal details years ago if you were in possession of any,” he said, giving Merlin a moment to agree.

He held up his hands and nodded so Nox released his lips, gesturing for him to speak. “You could still prepare.”

“How?” Nox laughed, then planted his hands on Merlin’s shoulders, giving them a comforting knead. “I’m going to do what we’ve always done and if that doesn’t work and the time does come, I’ll figure it out then.”