“I had a feeling he’d wait until my back was turned to skulk over and second guess my methods.”

“He didn’t skulk over and he was worried about me, Merlin.”

“Then, where was he when Nelson carried your lifeless body upstairs and then out into the moonlight?”

Nox rolled his eyes. “Imagine how offended you’d be if Clancy had come to watch over your shoulder. I probably would have died from all the drama if he hadn’t restrained himself and waited.”

“You’ll forgive me if I don’t trip in my haste to thank him,” Merlin said, smoothing the sleeves of his lilac coat and tugging at the lace cuffs of his shirt. “Have you called me to housesit while you’re off with Nelson? Because I think that would be prudent, given that there’s been a theft.” He gave Nox a loaded look.

“Sure.” Nox shrugged. “Watch the house for us. You’ve already been over every inch of this place and nothing else has been taken or disturbed as far as I can tell.”

“That was more than enough! Who knows what else this monster did with them,” Merlin growled, his fists balling at his sides.

“Shhh!” Nox patted the top of Merlin’s head, making him lean away and splutter.

“This is serious!”

“And I’m taking it seriously. I reset the security code. It’s Mom’s birthday.”

“That was probably wise.” Merlin waved around them. “I refreshed the warding while you were sleeping.”

“I saw,” Nox said with a warm, appreciative smile. Freshly ground herbs, black salt, and ash dust had been shaken on the north, south, east, and west corners of the property, and Nox was confident Merlin had buried the largest and most-charged pieces of black tourmaline he could get his wicked little hands on. “I’ve touched the four corners of the lot and said the spells. He set his trap and I’m not that impressed, honestly. It was rather boring and basic.”

“It was not basic and you know it,” Merlin scolded. “That was old and it was evil. There’s something else that worries me.”

“What?” Nox’s focus tightened when he sensed Merlin’s rising panic.

“I burned your blood and read the ash and stains in the bowl…”

Nox gave Merlin a shake when he hesitated. “And?” he urged and Merlin winced.

“The flame turned blue and I saw a crow.”

Nox laughed. “A crow?”

“Yes! This could be serious!” Merlin insisted, but Nox shushed, sweeping his concerns aside.

“Mom taught me to never fear or mistrust a crow. She made sure I knew to revere and respect them.”

“Yes, Sorcha would, because she was very fond of crows.”

“Very,” Nox said, smiling. She would brush the hair away from his eyes and call them his feathers. He was her “little crow.”

“It could be an omen, though. It could mean death or misfortune,” Merlin warned, but Nox raised a finger.

“Or, intelligence and loyalty. It might not be about the one who cast the curse but the cursee!”

Merlin slapped his finger away and squared up to Nox. “That’s not how it works. You burn the blood to reveal the poison and the intent. This particular crow could mean fate and war.”

That made Nox smile. “Let him try.” He kissed Merlin’s forehead.

“You!” he complained, as he captured Nox’s cheeks. “Why did you want to see me if you weren’t calling about a house sitter?”

“Right!” Nox listened for a moment and sensed that Nelson was still in the study and deeply irritated with his call to Clifton Perkins. “I have a…personal question. Of a…sexual nature,” he whispered and looked at Merlin suggestively.

“I see!” Merlin said, his eyes alight with lewd delight. “Jeff can get it up at least six or seven times a day if I keep him on a low-meat diet.”

Nox’s face twisted as he reared back. “Not a personal question about your driver and your sex life, for gods’ sake.”