“But… We just…” Nelson was stuck for several moments, hopefully imagining Nox on his knees. “This has to end,” he finally managed.

“What?” Nox asked quickly, his heart leaping up into his throat. “Us?”

“Us? Never,” Nelson stated with a soft chuckle. “I belong with you, Nox. But this game with Merlin and Clancy has to end. I believe you and Clancy. He probably didn’t know about Julian. The problem is, I believe Merlin too. I don’t think either of them are lying but I sense they each have their own agenda and you’re caught in the middle.”

“That’s always been my problem,” Nox confided. “I know they love me and would do literally anything for me. I’ve just never understood why or how it would cause so much hatred between them.”

“Let’s find out why.” Nelson straightened and pressed the button for the lobby. There was a grim set to his jaw and eyes, his pensive stare setting off new alarm bells as the overhead light came back on and the elevator resumed its descent.

“What are you going to do?” Nox asked as he braced himself. He shared Nelson’s frustration and accepted that it was time for drastic action with Merlin and Clancy, but he was still afraid.

“I’m getting to the bottom of this. Let’s divide and conquer. Starting with Merlin.”

“Okay… Why do I get the feeling this is going to hurt?”

“Because I want to start with your parents,” Nelson sighed as the elevator stopped. “I think your family has a lot to do with this. It’s time someone told me the truth and I don’t know if you’re capable right now.”

The doors opened and he looked like he was striding into battle as he headed for the parking lot.

“This won’t be good,” Nox whispered as he followed in Nelson’s wake. He didn’t want to know what Clancy and Merlin might be hiding, but Nox couldn’t let Nelson unravel this mess on his own.

1 Lenni Lenape (Leh-nee Leh-nuh-pee): An indigenous people of the Northeastern Woodlands of the United States and Canada. The Lenape's historical territory includes northeastern Delaware, New Jersey, and parts of Pennsylvania and New York. Today they are based in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Ontario due to displacement by the US Federal Government.

2 Loscadh is dó ort! (Lus-ca iss doh ort): Scorching and burning on you!


“This is much worse than I feared,” Merlin said as he stepped back from his new board. It was dedicated to the Badb and Merlin’s reaction was exactly as Nox had predicted. Nelson was expecting histrionics and a good dose of history, as well, but appreciated Merlin’s concerns and his insight.

Nox had floated the idea of not telling Merlin about what Julian had told them or about what they learned from Clancy. Nelson refused and threatened to sleep in the guest room until Nox stopped playing games. He’d had it with everyone’s secrets and had just about reached the end of his rope with watching Nox play chicken with fate.

He had his notes out, ready to address the details Nox had “omitted” from their interview with Julian’s and Clancy’s counter accusations. “Julian said this Badb claims Nox is unworthy because he doesn’t have an heir. Why is that important? He’s still young enough to have a child.”

“But I won’t,” Nox stated defiantly and Merlin made a weary sound.

“That stubbornness is half the reason you’re in this mess.”

Nox’s face twisted. “I would never curse a child with this.”

“Is that what you think your father did?” Merlin asked sadly, catching Nox off guard.

“Not now, Merlin.” He shook his head and went to pour himself a drink. “Let’s focus on that,” he said and pointed at the board.

Nelson cleared his throat. “No one answered my question. Why is Nox unworthy if he won’t have an heir? What’s the big deal if this crow can take his place?”

“First of all, he can’t,” Merlin said with absolute certainty. “This…” His face pinched. “I hate to even call him that, but this Badb is a liar and a fraud. He is dangerous in that he has studied dark magick extensively. But he only believes and adheres to the darker elements of our lore and practice because he thinks he can use them to bend the Dagda to his will.”

Nelson scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest and studied the board. “There’s still a lot I don’t know about the lore and your practice, but even I know that the Dagda isn’t going to bend to any human’s will.”

“No.” Merlin shook his head, his gaze fixed on Nox. “Not just any human’s, but possibly the heir’s if he is strong enough.”

“And that would be Nox,” Nelson verified.

Nox dragged a hand down his face in exasperation. “If this wasn’t all mythology. A prophecy doesn’t have to come true and there were lots of heirs before me who got to have normal lives and families before they died,” he observed, but Merlin jumped and began hunting in his coat pockets and turning in circles.

“Oh! Where did I put it?” he wondered out loud and Nox’s neck craned as he looked around Merlin.

“What?” he asked.