It was Nelson’s favorite lie. A grim smile yanked at his lips as he ducked and shifted lower so he was between Nox’s thighs. He dragged his tongue up the length of Nox’s shaft, earning a delirious moan as fingers tangled in Nelson’s hair. Two fingers plunged deep into Nox’s ass and curled around his prostate as Nelson latched onto the end of his cock and sucked greedily.

“Yes!” Nox’s shout shook the chandelier and the crystals dangling from the wrought iron branches over their heads, creating shivering rainbows on the walls and ceiling as the dawn’s first rays filled the room.

He tasted bright and crisp, like a dewy spring morning as his cum burst against the back of Nelson’s throat and bathed his tongue. “Mmmm…” He groaned in delight, denying the bright hot pulsing in his groin. Nelson squeezed the base of his cock brutally tight, breathing slowly through his nose as he massaged the gland deep in Nox’s ass, demanding every last drop of nectar.

“Okay, that’s good!” Nox nodded jerkily, then yelped when Nelson pulled his fingers free and parted his cheeks. “Nelson!” His scandalized gasp turned into an appreciative moan as Nelson lapped at Nox’s tender, flinching flesh. “So, so thorough,” he said dreamily before fisting his hand in Nelson’s hair and pulling.

Nelson rose and obediently kissed his way up Nox’s body to his lips. He nearly came when their tongues intertwined and Nox pulled his hair harder. “I have to go,” he grumbled, doing his best to sound put out as he extricated himself from Nox’s embrace and enchantment.

“Do you have to?” He scrubbed his face, pouting loudly.

“I’m seeing Felton,” Nelson reminded Nox.

“Right. That’s why you were trying to murder me this morning.” There was a soft chuckle as Nox pulled the covers over his head and snuggled into Nelson’s pillow. “Thank him for me. That was incredible.”

“I’ll do that,” Nelson said, heading for the bathroom. “Don’t fall asleep. You still have class this morning,” he called over his shoulder.

He started the shower and quickly brushed his teeth, watching Nox through the mirror. Satisfied that he had a few minutes before Nox would be along, Nelson rushed into the shower and under the water. He kept his back to the bedroom and it only took a few strokes and Nelson was achingly hard again, his cock heavy and his sac tight. His toes curled on the tiles as he tugged swiftly, whipping the building pressure in his core to a muted frenzy.

Nelson turned up the heat on the water when his body began to flicker and hum, hoping the steam would camouflage the flaring of his nerves from Nox. He felt like he was cheating and being cheated, but Nelson couldn’t risk coming that hard, that close to Nox right after he had returned to earth and himself.

“Fuck!” he roared silently, bracing his hand on the wall and aiming at the drain between his feet. His body jerked tightly, the harshness of his delayed climax jarring Nelson. He was bitter as he jammed the pump on the nearest bottle of Nox’s homemade body wash, indifferent to its scent or purpose. He recalled the few times he’d come in Nox’s arms and longed for that radiant safety and soul-deep satisfaction again. But he couldn’t risk that until he’d completely worn Nox out and gave him time to cool off.

They rarely had that kind of time, with Nox’s demanding schedule and the stalled investigation into the new Tuatha Dé. Nelson had spent his days tracking down leads while Nox was teaching but they had yet to make any headway. The media and the FBI wanted to see progress and there was pressure to find any remaining cult members and the leader, the supposed new king of the Tuatha Dé.

Julian had been credited as being the mastermind and the details of what was found in his basement and guest bedroom had snuffed out much of the interest in the new Tuatha Dé as a cult, with the exception of a few unstable individuals. The FBI had its eye on them and thanks to Nox, the victims and their families were cooperating and supporting their investigation. There was less pressure from them, but Nelson was driven by a need to give the victims and their families the closure and justice they deserved, not by a need to please the bureau and the media.

And he wanted to please Nox.

Nelson gave himself a shake and went back to scrubbing his body when he heard a loud, drowsy yawn. “I know it’s only Wednesday, but I say we stay in this weekend and do nothing except sleep and have lots of sex,” Nox announced as he strolled to the sink to brush his teeth, a loopy grin tilting his lips.

Why would Nelson want to ruin that smile by bringing up Julian or the cult? “That would be fine,” he said as he turned under the water to rinse off and wet his hair.

“You’re fine,” Nox teased when he stepped into the shower and pulled Nelson into a lazy waltz, twirling them so he had a turn under the water. “Really, really fine,” he murmured as he pecked at Nelson’s lips.

“Easy,” Nelson warned. “I can’t be late and you need to hurry if you want me to give you a ride.”

“I’m always ready for a ride.” It was a sultry purr as Nox cupped and scratched Nelson’s sac and one of his asscheeks.

“Nox!” Nelson scolded, spinning Nox around. He pulled Nox against his chest. “I can’t focus on my meeting with Felton if you don’t behave.” The more turned-on Nox got while they were apart, the louder the drums in Nelson’s head and the stronger the compulsion to serve and satisfy Nox.

“I know! I’m sorry,” Nox groaned but gave his backside a little wiggle as he arched and rubbed his cheek against Nelson’s. “But you’re so hot when you’re naked and I love shower sex.”

“It’s fine,” Nelson agreed, firmly gripping Nox’s semi-hard cock and his throat.

“Yes! That’s it!” Nox went limp in Nelson’s arms and his head bobbled loosely.

“Shhhh! Relax and come for me,” he whispered, feeling another attack of chills despite the steam and hot water. Nelson’s hand spread under Nox’s jaw, gently constricting his carotid as the other hand tugged smoothly. Breath play worked when Nelson needed to get Nox off fast. He slowly counted to eight and watched Nox’s color and his eyelids flutter. They shared in the hard hammering of Nox’s pulse as Nelson lifted him so his feet were hovering over the tiles. “Come for me,” Nelson chanted against his temple and loosened his grip on Nox’s throat. He felt Nox’s cock jump before a small burst of cum spilled over Nelson’s fist.

A light, drunken giggle floated from Nox as he was set down and he made a dreamy sound as his head lolled on Nelson’s shoulder. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Nelson kissed the words against Nox’s skin, then helped him finish bathing. Thankfully, Nox was able to dress himself and they enjoyed a quick breakfast before Nelson dropped him off in front of Healy Hall.

Once Nelson cracked the code and realized he could shut down the “Nox alarm” with sex, he began to appreciate their strange bond. At the moment, Nelson could feel that Nox was content, inspired, and happily distracted with his students. He was doing what he loved best and Nelson was free to go about his morning in relative peace.

His leash only extended so far, though, and Nelson wouldn’t have enough time to drive out to Perkins to question Julian. So, Nelson resolved to make the most of his time at the Hoover Building before Nox started missing him and the drums began beating again.

Much had changed within the headquarters of the FBI in the aftermath of Nox’s investigation into the missing witches and Elsa Hansen’s murder. Nelson was still the most hated man in the bureau and no one else wanted to work with him, but the snickers had stopped and he hadn’t heard an uttered “fucking moron” in months. He’d also been assigned an office and a team so Nelson was free to assist Professor MacIlwraith.