Chapter 1


It was a good day to be sitting at the pool. However, any day not at work, hanging with my family and friends was a good day. Not that I didn’t love my job or the money I made with it, it was just always better to be sitting at my family’s resort than being anywhere in the world.

The sun was high overhead without a cloud in the sky. There was the threat of rain in the afternoon but that was to be expected in a tropical paradise like Cancun. It never stayed long or if it did, it only gave us all an excuse to drink and play games indoors. Otherwise, we would drink, talk, and play games the rest of the afternoon and sometimes into the evening. .

My family had been coming to Maya Sunset for years. My parents, actually, my father and stepmother, had bought in only a few years ago. But it had always felt like a second home and it seemed perfect when they decided to buy it instead of letting it go belly up.

They didn’t change much, besides the management of the place. It still had the same four pools all with swim-up bars and loungers that went right into the water. Two looked out over the water and the soft white sandy beach that lined the back of the resort. Two volleyball courts were on the beach along with three wooden huts where massages or other spa treatments could be given to individuals or couples. In the evening tables were set up for moonlight dinners or the occasional serenade.

It wasn’t a very big resort, it held only a little over one hundred guest rooms, allowing it to stay smaller and more intimate than the other resorts surrounding it. It helped that it was adults only and added a bit of class and relaxation that wasn’t found in the bigger places.

I loved coming here. I had since I was in college. Now, as a busy orthopedic surgeon, it was the only vacation I allowed myself. It was the one place that I wanted to go or felt that I needed. Why would I need to go to some other resort to unwind when I had never been more relaxed than at Maya Sunset? I might want to see the rest of the world, I had even gone so far as to look into going to Europe, but I didn’t want to go on my own, so I hadn’t.

The sound of laughter had me coming out of my thoughts and my eyes immediately looked at the body that went with the laughter. My breath caught at seeing Sydney across the way. While technically my stepsister, I had never thought or considered her in a brotherly way. I had been attracted to her since the moment I met her years ago. Too bad she had never seen me as anything but a friend and then her stepbrother.

Her laughter filled my ears and my body responded as it always did at being near or even thinking about her. She had no idea the effect she had on me as she talked easily to another guest. I admired her ease with talking to strangers as my eyes roamed over her perfect body. It was just another thing that I loved about her. She had a way about her that allowed anyone to feel comfortable around her and it had caused more than one person to spill their secrets to her.

It could be because of her smile that could light up a room, or how her eyes held yours as if she wanted to hear anything and everything that you had to say, or it could be how her presence could put anyone at ease. For me, it was because she was the most beautiful woman I had ever met and I longed to make her mine.

“Stop ogling your sister,” Alison, my sister, said.

“She isn’t my sister,” I said as I continued to look at Sydney.

“So, you admit to ogling her.”

“I never said that. I’m watching her as she talks to a woman. Nothing more.”

“You’re looking at her like you want to have her as a snack. When are you going to get off your ass and tell her how you feel about her?”

“She already knows how great I think she is. She’s a wonderful friend, person, and teacher.”

“And you want to bone her,” Alison added.

I looked over my shoulder at my sister and glared at her. She held my gaze. We had the same deep brown eyes but her hair was more chestnut to my plain brown. We both took after our father in looks. She was younger by two years but had always seemed older and wiser than me. She had gone into social work and was excellent at her job. She found the right way to bring compassion and hard love to the kids that she worked with. It wasn’t an easy job and I worried she would burn out, but she seemed to thrive on the work. She had a way of seeing people, of seeing things that no one else did.

It made her good at her job but it also made her very frustrating when it came to being my sister and seeing things I didn’t want her to. She also was one of the bluntest and straightforward people I had ever met. She never minced her words, certainly not with me, since we were kids.

“Bone?” I asked.

“Shack up. Do the horizontal mambo. Bring her knees to her ears. Plow her. Whatever word or phrase you want me to use, I will. You want her, you have for years. I just wonder what it’s going to take for you to tell her.”

“She isn’t into me,” I said as if that explained it all.

“Are you sure?”


“You’ve asked her? You’ve told her?”

I glared at Alison again, my look telling her everything that she needed to know.

“Then how the hell do you know?” She asked

“She has never seen me that way. She never will.”

“Because you won’t let her,” Alison said.