I patted her back and smiled down at her. She loved Kevin fiercely and was devastated by her loss. I knew she never thought she would be a widow again and so soon. She did have many wonderful years with Kevin but I was sure she would have gladly taken more. But she was also a bit dramatic and I knew some of the tears she was shedding were for my benefit. I had expressed how I didn’t want to do the show without Kevin. This was her way of telling me if I didn’t then all the people who counted on us, who considered us their family, would be out of a job. It was a guilt trip, pure and simple, and it almost worked.

“We will find out soon enough. The will is still going to be read after this, right?” I asked.

“It was what Kevin would have wanted. He would want everything settled so we could move on. Plus, it will be easier with the crew all here to film it.”

“You want it to be filmed?”

“It was Jason’s idea. It brings everything full circle. It seemed like a good thing to do. Do you not agree?” My mother asked.

“No. It’s private for family and close friends only. I don’t think we should be allowing all of America or the world into our personal affairs.”

“It’s a little too late for that don’t you think?”

“If it’s what Jason wants then he’ll get it. We might as well get it over with.” I hadn’t been looking forward to having the will read so soon and I was looking forward to it even less now.

“We still have guests to see but as soon as they start to leave, we can excuse ourselves. Why don’t you go over and talk to Herb and his wife Kathy?” My mother suggested.

It wasn’t a suggestion really but a request. They would want to talk to me, give their condolences, and more than likely talk about the next step for the show. Herb was the original financial backer of Scavenge and I was sure he was hoping to keep the show running so he could continue to make money. He and Kevin might have been friends but it would ultimately come down to the bottom line than Herb cared more about than preserving Kevin and his legacy.

It was what I was most concerned with. I wanted to do right by Kevin and what he created. I was good at being his sidekick but I wasn't sure if I was good enough to take over the show. I personally thought it was better to have the show end with him, on a good note, than fall flat on its face with me as the star.

I was half hoping that Kevin would take the decision out of all of our hands and tell us in his will that he didn’t want the show to continue, but I knew that was only wishful thinking. Until I knew for sure, I would have to smile for everyone and make them think that I was ready to take the mantle from Kevin and make him proud.

By the time most of the guests had left and Travis, Kevin’s lawyer, said it was time to do the reading of the will, it was late in the afternoon. I was tired, exhausted from having to smile and make small talk all day. I just wanted to go home, curl up with a glass of wine and forget about everything for a while, but I knew I couldn’t do it yet. I told myself the sooner I knew what was going on, the sooner I could figure out my life.

I walked into Kevin’s office to see Travis standing at Kevin’s desk. It took me aback for a second and it only reminded me that Kevin would never sit at that desk anymore. It was where he had done most of his research for the show.

The desk was scattered with his notes and ideas for future shows. There were maps with big red circles on them with lines going from one destination to another.

Tears formed in the back of my eyes as I thought about all the adventures Kevin wanted to go on and never would. I quickly blinked them back, the last place I needed to be seen breaking down was at the reading of his will.

Jason was standing next to Travis and they whispered softly to each other. I wondered if Jason already knew what the will said. I wouldn’t put it past him to have discussed it with Kevin. Jason was a planner and would think of every scenario, including this one.

He looked efficient and sexy in his dark gray suit and green tie, Kevin’s favorite color. It was a small gesture but I was touched by it. The color of the suit set off Jason’s blonde hair and made him look even more like the California surfer persona he liked to have. He looked as sexy as ever but I quickly pushed the thought aside, not the time, not the place.

No one spoke as we got settled in the office. Jason moved away from Travis and went to stand by my mother. I was standing off to the other side. Seeing them together made me think they were a united front and I was somehow the outsider. In some ways I was, my mother had been married to Kevin and Jason was his only son. They had a right to Kevin and his estate, technically I didn’t. Not that I really wanted anything. I looked around the room and saw so many souvenirs and trinkets from adventures that we had been on and even a few pictures of us in some of the more exotic places. I thought of all the things that I might want from him, it was those. The random souvenirs or trinkets he had picked up along the way, if I could have those that would be enough.

I squared my shoulders as Travis stood up and started reading the will. I thought I was prepared for what he was going to say. I had no idea that when Travis read the will that I would be getting more and even less than I had ever thought and that my life would suddenly change in a way I never saw coming.

Chapter 4


“You can’t be serious,” I said to Travis.

“It’s what your father wanted, what he stipulated,” he said.

“Let me see that,” I said as I snatched the will out of Travis’s hands. I wasn’t sure what I was looking at but it didn’t matter, I needed to read my father’s last wishes in black and white.

“I think it’s a lovely idea,” Sunshine said.

“Did you know about this?” I accused her.

“Your father and I never discussed any of this. He knew how I felt about death, even talking about it.”

Sunshine, like her name, tried to live her life as free and happy as a ray of sunshine. She never let anything get her down. It also meant she never talked about anything that would cause her unhappiness or pain. It was a blow to her lifestyle and way of living that she had to deal with my father’s death. I knew it was hard on her and it didn’t surprise me that she didn’t know what my father’s final wishes were.

“But you’re okay with this? With this crazy idea?” I asked her.